Overworked and Overwhelmed

As those of you who write know, it isn't easy being a writer. We usually work full time jobs and then squeeze in writing time whenever we can. Now that I'm published, have another novel on the way, and a special project in the works it feels as though I have two full time jobs. My hubby loves it. He can go for days without shaving before I notice. Not good.

Until things calm down on the work front and writing front, I'll be posting Friday Creature Feature's every other Friday to give myself a bit more time to get my other work done. I hope you'll forgive me. The special project I have in the works for May should definitely make up for it. ;) 


  1. It's good that you know how to set priorities. Blogging is fun, but keeping up with posting and visiting is definitely time consuming. I am working on my second book too, and you just have to let something go in order to give over to it.

    1. So true Melissa! It's tough though. I miss my blogging community any time I have to step away.

  2. I appreciate someone who can see when something has to give before life forces it on them. Hopefully you get the things done you need to :)

  3. Good luck! It can be SO hard to find a balance between everything. Life sure is crazy.

  4. Of course we'll forgive you, sweet Heather. There are times when we all need to step away from blogging in order to focus on more important things. Good luck juggling it all. :-)

    1. Thanks Shannon, I'm going to need all the good luck I can get.

  5. You are hereby forgiven! I feel this too a lot lately. I only blog twice a week and it is becoming harder to do. I love the blog, but writing has to take priority. :)

    1. Thanks Tina. And you're right, it has to take priority.

  6. I really understand what you're going through (with full time job and teaching at the dojo, I sometimes feel like I have three jobs with the writing), and I think it's a great idea for you to give yourself a little break on some stuff and not feel guilty about it in the least!
    And can't wait to hear all about your special project!

    1. That is like three jobs Yelena! Wow, I don't know how you do it. Yay for the secret project excitement! I can hardly wait to tell you.

    2. I totally understand Overworked and Overwhelmed. Take care of yourself Heather! We're all on your team and we're not going anywhere.

  7. You should definitely give yourself a break from blogging. There are many times when I need to do the same thing. Good luck with all your projects/writing!

    1. Thanks Susan! Sometimes I need someone to tell me. Okay, I almost always need someone to tell me. ;)

  8. You've got a lot on your plate, Heather. Take all the time you need. We're not going anywhere. And good luck!

    1. That is so sweet. Thank you SO much Kittie. It means a lot.

  9. Amen, sweetie. I'll probably have to "disconnect" later this month and most of March. We need more hours in the day!

  10. Can't wait to hear about your special project! PS - You definitely deserve a little break. :-D

  11. There's nothing to forgive. Sometimes other things get in the way of blogging--totally understandable.

    Good luck!

    1. So very true, no matter how hard we try. Thanks GE!

  12. You're totally forgiven. I can totally relate to your title.

  13. Your writing comes first, of course. This blog is just a means to make your writing dream come true, along the way making like-minded friends -- who understand, for they are in the same boat! Roland

    1. That's hard to remember at times. And somewhere along the way, it becomes something more. A community, a support group. You peeps are the greatest and I just hate the idea of leaving you wanting.

  14. No worries Heather. We all understand and agree that your writing comes first :) I'm just happy we still get to meet your wonderful creatures even if it is every other Friday :D

  15. Definitely know what you feel like, Heather--sort of like silly putty being pulled one way and then another. (^;

    1. Exactly! So many things to do and directions to go.

  16. Good luck on that special project! I can't wait to hear all about it. And you're right: it really is hard balancing everything. Priorities rule!

  17. Heather, do what you have to do to take care of yourself. I truly know what it's like to feel overwhelmed. I also have a job and am in my last semester of a master's program. I'm working on a novel in the midst of all that. So, take care of yourself.

  18. You literally must never sleep. Can't wait to hear about special projects!

  19. Dude! I am living that overworked/overwhelmed place right now!


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