Wednesday Writing Goal

What a week! It was another one of those that seemed to be over before it started. This year is already turning out to be a whirlwind that I can't seem to step out of. But I'm going to take that as a good thing and ride it. Last week my writing goal was to finishing reading and approve my proof of Channeler's Choice, and I did! That was one deadline I barely made. Whew!

No time to catch my breath though. There's that secret project of awesomeness that I have to start on, like now. Off to it I go. How about you, did you make your writing goals for last week? What are they for this week? Remember, even small goals help us move forward.


  1. I DID make my writing goals-yay! But here's a conundrum...why does it feel like the world's in an uncontrollable whirlwind even when that happens? (Maybe it is?)

    1. That is a conundrum indeed. Glad you made your goals!

  2. Wow, you are on a roll! :)
    My last week wasn't as good goal-wise as this one. I was sick on Monday it but turned out into a productive day as far as writing and blogging. Also joined the Writer Campaign, so I'm excited about that. Now just to keep the momentum...

    1. I'm sorry to hear you were sick. But that's awesome that you used the time to write!

  3. Yay for making your deadline! :)

    I'm currently on hiatus to give my novel a breather so I'm reading tons of books.

    Can't wait to hear about your secret awesome project!

    1. That sounds like a wonderful plan Karen! I need to try that.

  4. Great that you made your deadline! My goals are simple : write on THE RIVAL every day if only a sentence ... though it usually splashes into at least a page. Hard to work and write and blog. Whew! Way to go, Heather! Roland

    1. It is tough! But I have faith that you can oull it off. Best of luck!

  5. Yes I did. I made it to the half way mark on my WIP. *does happy dance*

    Love having mini goals. :D

    1. That's great Stina! Doing the happy dance with you!

  6. Congratulations for making your goal! Keep riding the wave, you're on your way to great success!

    1. Thank you so much Karlene! We'll ride the train together!

  7. Hangs head in shame. I didn't make my writing goal. But hope to pull an all nighter this Friday to make up for it.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that LM. You'll make it up though, I have no doubt. :)

  8. My writing goal for the week was to motivate my husband to start working towards getting his last book out there. After his last group of submissions he felt down in the dumps. I woke up yesterday to him having his manuscript open!

    1. That's excellent Veronica! Mission accomplished.

  9. I'm glad you met your goals. We won't talk about mine :-)

    1. I'm sorry to hear you had trouble Sarah. Hopefully next week is better.

  10. Oh man, I know this whirlwind feeling all too well! But congrats on meeting your goals last week. Sounds to me like you hit some major ones.

  11. I'm on a funny writing break right now. Waiting for edits. Editing for other people. It all seems strange...and of course, I have a tiny idea itching at me to get started but I am being very Zen and letting it marinate. Good job, Heather.

    1. That sounds like a wonderful place to be Christa. :)


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