Tuesday Writing Tip~Improve

To stay on top of our game, and to keep up with the competition, we must always strive to improve our writing skills. Easier said than done in a struggling economy when every penny counts and gas prices are putting the oil-consuming vehicle on the fast track to extinction. Traveling to a workshop completely blows the budget for many of us. So what are we to do? 

#WriteTip: Attend an online workshop instead of driving or flying to one. For writers of children's and YA books there is Write On Con which is completely free (no joke), and it's amazing. I know several of the ladies who host it and they are fantastic. There's also the San Francisco Writer's University (online). I haven't taken classes through them but I hear they're great. And keep an eye on my friend TS Tate who is putting together a list of other workshops. If you know of any great online workshops let me know in the comments! 

Also, don't miss the live chat with myself and author Christine Fonseca tonight at 5:00pm PT. We'll be chatting about our novels, all things writing related and giving away books and swag! To join in click here


  1. Yes, WriteOnCon is amazing. And there's lots of great books out there on the craft of writing.

    I'm not sure I'll be able to attend your chat tonight, but I'll try. I'd be curious to know the nuts & bolts of how you set it up and also your newsletter. Those would be good blog posts.

    1. Thanks for the interest, I'll have to blog about those! :)

  2. I agree with Natalie regarding those topics as blog posts...

    1. Looks like I'll have to write about them then. ;)

  3. I just found the Savvy Author website through recommendation from Tina Moss. I'm loving it. And they have lots of online workshops on various writing topics and not very expensive. I'll let TS Tate know to add it to the list. :)

  4. The moment we stop growing as writers, we start drying up. Great post as usual, Roland

  5. I love that there are free opportunities like Write On Con! So cool! :)

    I'll have to miss your chat tonight, but have fun! I'm sure it will be great!

    1. Me too! Write On Con is fantastic. We need more like it. Sorry Christine and I will miss you at the chat, next time!

  6. Thank you so much with the great tips! I would love to make it tonight, but not sure if I can. But thinking of you. Excellent ideas on how to keep the education budget low.

    1. You're welcome, and thank you Karlene. I completely understand. You are such a sweetheart!

  7. Thanks! I already know about Writeoncon, but I'd love to know more about other online conference opportunities! I have much to learn. christy

    1. Me too, don't feel bad. And hi sweetie, it's so great to hear from you! I hope all is great.

  8. I see the online workshops/conferences sometimes, and when I get ahead even that much, I will be taking some. Good advice Heather.


    1. I know that feeling all too well Donna! Time is the most precious thing we have, and the one thing we have the least of. :)


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