Wednesday Writing Goal~New Ending

My writing break has come to an end and I’m moving on to working on the revision of book 3 in the channeler series, which now has a title, Rise of a Rector, whoo hoo!!! Compass Press has set a tentative release date of October for it. *happy dance* So , I’ve been working on a new ending that I’m totally loving. I didn’t finish it but that’s okay, my goal was to start working on it.

I blew my reading goals out of the water and read a few hundred pages of Tears of the Broken last week. The character development is wonderful and it’s really pulling me in. That’s a lot for me, normally I read much slower as I am usually working on writing my own books.

How about you, did you meet you writing goals this week? What about your reading goals?


  1. I'm nowhere near as focused as you on this stuff. But every once in awhile I surprise myself and write a book in 10 days. I possibly have an addictive personality. (Ahem). :)

    1. LOL! It sounds like it! But hey, as long as those flashes of inspiration keep coming then you're in good shape. ;)

  2. My goal is to just write now regularly so yes, I've met my goals. Awesome that you figured out a better ending for your book.

    1. That's great Natalie, and an excellent goal!

  3. Once I abandoned the boring book I was reading, my reading really picked up. I was reading a book I couldn't put down. :)

    I was side tracked on my writing goals because I had to work on an assignment for a writing course. I'm almost caught up, so now I can go back to editing my wip.

    Yay for figuring out your new ending. :D

    1. Yay for moving on to a good book, and for catching up on your writing!

  4. So glad to hear you got some good reading done. Still working on my goals and trying to balance the demands of the day job -- it's a process.

    P.S. Only 6 weeks until Hawaii. :)

    1. Thanks Karen! Hang in there, you'll manage. And YES only 6 weeks!!! I'm beyond excited and can hardly wait!

  5. Wow, you're on fire! I'm still ploughing through Draft 3. It's getting there... slowly.

    1. Yep, it's getting hot in here! ;) Draft 3 is a good place to be, you're making progress.

  6. I finished edits and sent MS back to my agent! Woohoo! Now, getting back into drafting mode. As to reading, I tend to go through 2-3 books per week because I read to and from work - long commute. :)

    1. Yay Tina, that's fantastic! I envy your long commute and opportunity to read. I'm getting quicker since the hubby bought me a Nook and I can read on my treadmill.

  7. Congrats on starting! It's a step in the right direction, and better than procrastinating. LOL

    1. Thanks! Yeah it definitely feels like I'm heading in the right direction.

  8. My ending to my latest has two possibilities, depending on the sales of THE RIVAL. Right now if sales stay anemic, Victor Standish stays dead. Of course, I am pulling for sales to increase, but no sense in telling tales no one reads.

    I pray the sales for your books blast through the roof. Have a magical week, Roland

    1. Thanks Roland. I'm pulling for you and Victor!

  9. Wow, You Go, Girl! That is excellent. I'm behind on writing goals, but the story's always churning away in my brain. Reading: still reading WILD--it's a memoir, highly recommended even if you're not a memoir person. About a writer who hiked the Pacific Crest Trail to get some clarity in her messed up life. Also reading a wonderful manuscript( !!!) and critiquing it. I think it's got a bright future. :))

    1. You're so sweet Linda, thank you! Glad to hear that your story is still churning.

  10. Congratulations Heather. You keep living those goals. You're on a roll. And, I'm going to start writing someday. Wahh... when have I ever been a someday girl?

    1. Don't feel bad. Life is just telling you to slow down a bit. You'll come back full force soon, I have no doubt!

  11. Yay, so exciting - the 3rd book coming out! Congratulations, that's wonderful.
    I was able to meet my goal of editing the first 4 chapters of WIP after Tina M. beta-read it for me. Now that I did that (as the beginning chapters were really bugging me), I'm moving ahead with the writing.

    1. Thanks! Glad to hear you're able to move forward with yours!

  12. I love when we know what's going to happen and can sit down and write it! Production schedules are so much fun!

    1. Me too! I work well on a schedule so I enjoy them. I'm weird like that. Good to know I'm not the only one!

  13. Good for you for blowing your goals out of the water. I need to find a way to actually MEET my goals! :)

    1. Thanks Shannon! Don't feel too bad. I've been in that boat too. Try smaller goals, they always make me feel better. Good luck to you hon!


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