Tuesday Teaser~Awakening

Before I get to today's teaser I wanted to let you know that To Ride A Puca is one of many great novels up for the Reader's Pick Award on Melissa Luznicky's blog. For those who have read and enjoyed it, I'd love a vote if you have time. Just lick on Melissa's name to go to the link. Then on her right sidebar you'll see the voting area. And my novella, Born of Fire is finally free on Amazon! Yay! If you have a Kindle or know someone who does please go download it at this link. Let's see if I can make it into the top 100 free ebooks! So far it has made it into the top 20!!! That's HUGE! Thank you all so much.

In honor of the Channeler's Cause, today's teaser is from The Secret of Spruce Knoll. In this excerpt Eren has just discovered that she is more than average:

     The energy covering her hands disappeared, taking the disconcerting vibrations with it. Eventually her heart slowed and the dizziness passed. A breeze blew through the trees, lifting her hair and cooling her sweating skin. She could feel the life energy of countless tiny birds, squirrels, and rabbits. Then she realized she could easily discern which energy belonged to a feathered creature, and which belonged to a furred one, even though she couldn’t see them. Being able to sense such things made her feel like some kind of freak or monster. Using the word channeler instead of witch didn’t make her feel any better about it. 
     Eren leaned back against a tree, pulled her knees to her chest, and tucked her head between them. Sobs shook her body as she wept for the world she’d lost.

To enter the Channeler's Choice giveaway~and in doing so help a great cause~fill out the form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I voted for your book and I downloaded your novella to my Kindle!!! I'm reading it now.

    1. Aw, thank you Lin! On both counts! I hope you enjoy the read. :)

  2. Definitely will go vote! You already know how much I love BORN OF FIRE. :)

    1. Aw thanks Karen! Tell all your friends who have Kindles that it's FREE! *happy dance*

  3. Congrats, and loved the novella!
    And this was a great tease! Really well done.

  4. Voted!

    Intriguing excerpt. A change like that must be overwhelming for Eren!

    1. Thank you GE! I'm glad you liked it. And it definitely was. Took her a while to get over it.

  5. I'm always intrigued by the teaser writings. I need a break just to read.


    1. Thanks Donna! I know what you mean. A break to read would be heavenly!


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