Monday's Muse~Supporters

This last week my muse was inspired by the show of support for Channeler's Cause, my new campaign to raise money for the IS Foundation. I can't thank you all enough for the support you've shown by spreading the word and purchasing one of the channeler novels. But I'll try, thank you SO much! To show my undying thanks, the eBook of my novella Born Of Fire is free right now on Amazon. I'm working on getting it free on B&N and will let you know the moment they cooperate.

Speaking of readers and supporters, To Ride A Puca is one of many great novels up for the Reader's Pick Award on Melissa Luznicky's blog. For those who have read and enjoyed it, I'd love a vote if you have time. Just lick on Melissa's name to go to the link. Then on her right sidebar you'll see the voting area.

My reading muse last week was fed by Breathkept by Saundra Mitchell. It is fantastic peeps! Click on the title to check it out, you won't be sorry! What inspired your reading or writing last week?

Before you go, don't forget to enter my contest and in doing so help a great cause!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Off to Melissa's blog now. You know how I feel about Puca!

  2. Excellent job on Puca! And for all your support for everyone and the animals! You're the best!

    1. Thank you Karlene, for everything. You have been such a wonderful support to me. You keep me strong!

  3. Congrats on everything you have going!

    I read a YA contemporary novel last week, trying to figure out how to do that. It's my next project.

    1. Thanks Elana! Wow, contemporary. You can do it! And I totally want to read it when you do.

  4. I'll check it out...

    I haven't been doing much writing since the kids got out of school, though. I've been busy building a new blog. It was the only way to get the Follower gadget to work again.

    1. Oh no Melissa, I didn't know you had to rebuild your blog! I hope it's going well. I'll drop by!


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