Happy Independence Day

As a country we certainly have our problems, but as someone who travels a lot I've realized, every country has problems. Just like people, no one country is perfect. Despite our problems I've always been proud to be an American and I still am today. Thank you to all who have served our country, and all those who have loved someone who has served our country. You've helped keep us free and for that we celebrate today.

My gift to all of you, my novella, Born Of Fire, is free on Amazon. It's about a special couple who come to America to keep their unborn son safe. Just click on the title to download, and if you enjoy it I hope you'll spread the word. Have a safe and happy 4th of July! Also don't forget to enter my Channeler's Cause giveaway and the Indelibles Indiependence Day celebration.


  1. May BORN OF FIRE shoot up the sales chart! Have a great, fun, safe 4th!! Roland

    1. Thank you Roland! You have a wonderful 4th as well. :)

  2. Happy Independence Day to you, too! :)

  3. What a great story. Looking forward to reading your other novels--they're on my TBR list!

  4. Very generous. I've been nmeaning to get this one anyway, because I love the cover.

    Have a great 4th!


  5. Happy 4th of July Heather! I hope that everyone will download your most precious gift... your writing. Thanks for a great tribute!

  6. What a wonderful gift for a special day. Thanks, Heather!

    1. You're very welcome Talli! I hope you enjoy it.


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