You're Invited to an Online Signing Party

In celebration of the release of the paperback of To Ride A Puca (which is out now!), I'm doing a special online signing party right here and you are invited. As it is a party, there are of course prizes. You can enter by joining in on the signing party and ordering a signed copy here, or simply by helping to spread the word.

The prizes are a hardback of Lacrimosa by Christine Fonseca and a paperback of The Secret of Spruce Knoll by myself. To enter to win fill out the rafflecopter form below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Order your signed copy of To Ride A Puca here. It is available in paperback or hardback, just click the drop down menu on the order button below. The order is handled through Paypal.

To Ride A Puca
Signed to:


  1. What a great idea Heather. Will you email me (on the 6th) and tell me to come back here? Today I have to study and only a second to come by and see what you're doing. But I can tweet for you. Good luck!

    1. I will for sure! Best of luck studying. Thanks hon!

  2. Congrats Heather on your release! Will we be partying with a Puca? I hope so. :D

    1. Thank you so much! And yes, we certainly will!

  3. Hi,

    As you know I've been waiting for this. Thanks for emailing me with the party details. Your going to get an email from me in a few seconds asking for the picture details for the side bar link and additional info you'd like my viewers to have when they read my blog post, cause you know there is always something you "forget" to say. Congrats!

    1. I got your email! Thank you! Answering now...

  4. I just ordered my signed copy of Puca! Can't wait to hold it in my hands.

  5. Ooh, nice prizes! Going to tweet it now. :)

  6. Congrats, Heather! What an exciting day! I'm a little behind; I'm reading The Secret of Spruce Knoll right now and am really enjoying it. Excellent work, missy!

    Thanks so much for inviting me to the party. I'll definitely spread the word :).

    1. Thank you! That's so sweet, I'm glad you're enjoying Spruce Knoll.

  7. That's awesome about the release!!! :D I already twitted too--hope to bring more tweeps your way!
    And thanks so much for thinking about me!! <333

    1. Thank you for shouting out, and of course I would think of you my dear! :)

  8. I heart Puca and Lacrimosa!
    *dances at the party*
    *sneaks away to grab some cake*

    1. LOL! *dances with you* Thanks for joining in! :)

  9. Hi, Heather,

    OONGRATS!!!! How exciting. Just the ticked to enjoy the summer. How doesn't want to engage in a signing party? Such fun... (throws confetti, raises a bubbling glass of champagne to toast your release and success!)

    Will be back again for my signed copy....

    1. Aw, thanks Michael! *raises glass along with you*

  10. Is it okay if I do my own version of the baby dance for you? Cuz I'm doing it! This is wonderful!

  11. Great idea Heather! And congrats! I bet this book looks beautiful in print!

    1. Thank you Ali! I do love the print version. :)

  12. Sounds like a great party, Heather!

    1. Thanks for dropping in Talli! It wouldn't be a party without you.

  13. Hi, Heather,

    CHEERS AGAIN! I just ordered a signed hard copy.... Looking so forward to receiving it!

    Let's pop open another bottle of champagne to celebrate!

  14. Hey Heather :0)

    Still impatiently waiting for my signed copy of To Ride A Puca but i've got Born of Fire for my kindle now and sent my sister over to amazon too..

    Had to share!


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