The Kindness Project~Unity From Tragedy

The second Wednesday of every month, The Kindness Project members~headed by the wonderful Carolina Valdez Miller~post about kindness and inspiration. 

This week my life was profoundly touched by a tragic event. A co-worker took his own life. He was a wonderful young man who made everyone laugh, always smiled and joked, had a bright future ahead of him, two small children... I have an overwhelming need to do something. That something is to express how much each of you (my blogging friends, writing friends, and reading friends) mean to me. Please know that you are loved deeply by someone, you are needed, you matter, and you are not alone. Your burdens do not need to be carried alone, your trials do not need to be fought alone. You are important, special, and precious.

Make sure those in your life know you care about them. Be there for them, tell them you support them, reach out to them. It is a hard world and you never know when someone will need a hand up. I’m making it my mission to offer my hand whenever I can.

To learn more about The Kindness Project, join in, or see the others who have posted today, please visit this link


  1. *hugs* It's hard when someone you know commits suicide and you didn't see it coming.

  2. Suicide hurts so many remaining behind. You wonder if somehow you missed crucial signs. Lonely hearts are all around us.

    1. Indeed. It opens ones eyes, unfortunately too late for one, but hopefully in time for others.

  3. This brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry for the hurt and loss to you, Heather, and of course to this young man's family. Truly tragic. A very important message you've drawn from this. Thank you.

    1. You're welcome Linda, and thank you. I'm truly lucky to have you as a friend. You mean so much to me!

  4. Oh, Heather. I'm so sorry for your loss. The fact that it was a co-worker, and not a family member or friend does not lessen the sting of grief. But you're right, we must remember the people we have who care for us.

    1. Thank you so much Matthew. It's a terribly sad event, one that has changed me and the way I look at those around me.

  5. So sorry to hear your sad news. Thank you for being so positive in your response. And a great reminder to tell people how much they mean to us NOW, today, not wait until it's too late.

    1. You're very welcome. If I can help one person, then this tragedy will have meant something.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about his suicide. But I think you took away an excellent message.

  7. So tragic that anyone gets that hopeless. The best time for letting people know we care is always now. It's the only guaranteed time we have. I hope you are doing well as this is such a shock to the system.

    1. It is indeed. And I couldn't agree more! It's never a bad time to let someone know we care, unless it's too late.

  8. So awful Heather, for what he was going through and everyone in his life. There just aren't words.

    1. Indeed there aren't, which is a rare thing for a writer.

  9. What a difficult, tragic event. It makes me so sad for this man's family. I think it's wonderful that you're turning its powerful effect on you to good, and that you're reaching out. And just so you know, you're pretty special too. I hope you know that.

    1. Aw, thank you sweetie. :) I figure we must take away something positive and let it change our lives for the better to keep it from being senseless.

  10. The Kindness Project is such a great idea.

    I always try to be kind -- even to strangers -- you never know how it can impact someone's life in a positive way.

    1. So very true! And I couldn't agree more, it is an amazing idea. Kudos to Carol for coming up with it.

  11. That is such a devastating loss, I'm so sorry. What a good reminder to be kind to everyone we see, because you never know when your smile, your hello, your kind words, could make the difference in someone's life.

    1. So very true. Kindness can make a world of difference. :)

  12. Oh honey. I'm so sorry. I lost my dad to suicide. Unfortunately, I know all to well what happens when someone leaves you behind. I hope that your co-worker's family and friends can find a way to accept it and forgive. It certainly helped me. YOU mean something to me <3

    1. (((hugs))) I can't even imagine sweetie. We're dealing, helping each other as much as we can. You are so wonderful to reach out even though my friend's story has to cause such pain. Thank you. <3

  13. This is an excellent mission. And my hand is always there for you too. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. When it happens that way, it feels so senseless, because it is. Hang in there. Life sometimes doesn't make sense. This will get better!

    1. Thank you so much. Your hand always being there is such a huge comfort. Mine is always there for you as well. You are a wonderful person Karlene!

  14. The choice to take one's own life is one that leaves a great deal of devastation in it's wake, especially when it comes from out of the blue from someone who didn't outwardly express some of the typical signs.

    My condolences for the loss of your coworker and praying for healing for those family members left behind.

    You have, however, done a good thing. You're taking away a lesson-learned to express love and care and concern so that it is always known.

    Big hugs from me to you :-)

    1. It is indeed. Thank you so much hon. Big hugs right back!

  15. Oh, Heather. :o( Suicide is such a hard to understand, senseless tragedy. And mental illness is so misunderstood and mistreated. You're in my thoughts, and you're so right to say reach out and show love and kindness. It could even heal the suicidal~ Best, <3

    1. It is, but you're so right. Reaching out can make all the difference in the world.

  16. What a tragedy. Prayers for his family, and I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. And you're so right, we never know what burden others are carrying and a kind word can mean more than we'll ever know.

  17. There are no words for how hard this is. Death is always a hard thing for those left behind.



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