Tuesday Writing Tip~Cut Parts

This week on the #WritersRoad (a weekly reoccurring chat on Twitter that I co-host) we chatted about reviews, tours and launches. What works for author, what they should do, shouldn't do, that kind of thing. It was a great chat, I hope you had a chance to drop in.

#WriteTip: When going through the editing process, keep those chapters that you end up deleting, especially the one's on back story. Those tidbits can make excellent promotional material and could even turn into a novella that you can price at free to help get your name out there.

Skeptical? It worked for me. My novella, Born Of Fire has been downloaded 10,000 (yay, can you believe it?! *dances in confetti*) times this month alone (however it takes a lot of work and getting the word out on the right sites to accomplish this). That is a lot of readers who now know my name and may end up purchasing the full-length novels in my series.

In other news, my novel, The Secret of Spruce Knoll was reviewed by Indie Reader who then recommended it to USA Today who posted it on their blog. I'm still in shock!


  1. YAY!! Congrats!! 10.000 times?? That is absolutely AWESOME!! :D
    And that's also awesome about the USA Today thing too!! I'm am absolutely happy for you!!

    1. Thank you! I know huh?! I'm beyond excited and kind of in a state of disbelief. :)

  2. Congratulations on the downloads and exposure! :) That's so cool.

  3. That's really exciting! 10K on BORN OF FIRE and the lovely exposure in USA Today.

  4. Heather, Congrats on the 10,000!!! Way to go! Also, I'm getting close to the editing phase. So this is a great reminder!

    1. Thanks Karlene! And that's excellent that you're getting closer to the editing stage, congratulations!

  5. This is fantastic news, Heather, congratulations! I know you worked really hard and you earned this, so keep doing that happy dance! I'm dancing for you right now!

  6. This is a very good idea. Hopefully I'll be able to use it some day. (^;

    1. You sshould, I'd love to read some of your deleted scenes!

  7. That is a great idea! I didn't keep any of my deleted stuff, but when I start writing again I will have to.


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