Teaser Thursday~Graduation Nerves

To help celebrate the cover reveal for Rise of a Rector, I thought I'd give you a sneak peak at the opening paragraph for Rise of a Rector. Here it is:

This was not how Eren had pictured spending the last day of her senior year, but it had to be done. Her best friend Caitlin clutched her hand so tightly it was starting to cut off the circulation. If they didn’t get this over with soon her fingers would go numb. Eren’s cousin Fane stood to Caitlin’s left looking as though he was sharing her misery, which he probably was considering how close the two of them were. How Caitlin had managed to keep her and Fane’s relationship from her parents this long was a mystery to Eren.

That's right, they're finally telling Caitlin's parents! A lot of tough decisions are coming for Eren's Society in this novel and this is just the first of those decisions. The cover release celebration is still going on so there's still time to enter to win a copy of To Ride A Puca. Check it out below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Great teaser Heather! Looking forward to reading the finale'.

    1. Thanks Michael. I can hardly wait to hear what you think of it!

  2. Oh the tension. Sounds like the drama is just poised to unfold! Great excerpt.

  3. Omigawd. Congrats! I mean, your covers are always SO FREAKING pretty!! Love the design everything! The teaser, too, of course! It was a nice surprise to find this lovely book cover after my trip! YAY for you, girl!! <3

    1. Thank you so much sweetie! Glad you like them. :)

  4. This is a fantastic teaser! I can hardly wait to get my books. Will order the autographed copies soon. Or... any chance of seeing you before the holidays?

    1. I hope so! I'm coming by your way in October for a signing. Maybe I can stop by...

  5. What a great teaser, Heather! Congrats!


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