Monday's Muse~Inspiration and News

My muse: Fall is always an incredibly inspiring time for me, the colors, the smells, the tastes. It is my favorite time of year and doesn't last long enough. For those who don't know yet, I've caved and joined Pinterest (see my nifty sidebar picture) and I'm finding a lot of inspiration there. The fun part is, I can post pictures that inspire my writing. I'm loving it. But one does have to be careful about the rights of images that they pin. There are sites that approve Pinterest, such as Barnes and Noble, these are the safest to pin from. I plan on only using sites that approve it and my own pictures.

My news: It's officially release day for the final novel in my channeler series, Rise of a Rector! It is currently available in eBook and expected to be available in hardback in about a week. I'm deliriously happy and exhausted but in a good way. Today is the first leg of my tour and I'm over at Candace's Book Blog, or rather, Aiden is, to talk about a scary moment in his life. I hope you'll stop by and say hi to Aiden.

Along with this tour is a giveaway of course! On Friday November 2nd and Saturday November 3rd, my acclaimed historical fantasy about the last of the druids in Ireland, To Ride A Puca, will be FREE on Amazon in eBook format! But it's only for two days so those of you who have a Kindle, mark your calendars and get ready to download it. My goal is to hit at least 1,000 downloads those two days and if I do I'll be giving away $10 in either eBooks or printed books from Amazon, B&N, or The Book Depository, winner's choice. To enter, sign up below, but don't forget to download To Ride A Puca on November 2nd or 3rd!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congratulations on your new release!

    1. Thanks LM! I'm excited to finally have it out.

  2. Yay! for release day! Congrats!

    I find tons of inspiration on Pinterest. I caved a few months ago. lol

  3. Happy Book Birthday! Just got my copy from B&N. Can't wait to read!!!

  4. Happy Release Day! Must be so exciting. I'll have to make sure to order a hardcover for my local library. :)

    1. It is! Thanks a million Karen. It makes me giddy any time someone donates one to their library. :)

  5. Congratulations. Release day is such a thrill. I hope your promotion goes well and the sales rocket to the moon.

  6. Wow! Congratulations, Heather! That's so awesome. Good luck to you. :)

  7. It all sounds good, Heather. I don't have a kindle, but this is good for you!

  8. Congratulations Heather. Your hard work and dedication have proven that success comes with effort. I know you will get your 1000 downloads!

    1. Thank you for your confidence, you're so sweet! :)


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