Teaser Tuesday~Tour Day

For today's teaser I'm going to send you over to my friend (and fabulous author) RaShelle's blog where she is hosting me on today's leg of the Rise of a Rector tour celebration. Today Eren from The Secret of Spruce Knoll is talking with RaShelle about a scary moment in her life. I hope you'll stop by and say hi.

Don't forget to enter the contest and mark your calendars for November 2nd and 3rd to download a copy (or several) of my historical fantasy To Ride A Puca when it will be FREE on Amazon!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm on my way... but first I had to stop here and tell you that your blog simply looks awesome!
    And it's sooo funy, but first I was admiring that pic on top, the banner, and I was like, Oh, look at that beautiful beach. *sigh* And then I kept looking and OMG I was exactly there 3 weeks ago!!
    Because that's TLUM, right?? It must be!! lol.
    Anyway. Love how your blog is looking now. Srsly!

    1. It is! I didn't know you were just there, that's awesome!


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