Book Review: THREE by Jay Posey

Run, don't walk, or click like you've never clicked before, to get this novel. Well okay, wait, first read on to make sure it's for you.

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A book does not easily earn five stars from me. It has to be blow-me-away fantastic, and this book was definitely that. THREE by Jay Posey is a sci-fi/dystopian novel that must not be missed.

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. This is one of the most forward-thinking novels I've read in a long time. It kept me desperately guessing, almost painfully curious, as it slowly revealed its marvels. Three's is a dystopian world like none other, and Three himself is one of the most intriguing characters I've come across, with a depth that many lack now days. More science fiction than dystopian (fantasy), this novel delivers a shocking view of what could be. It's more than a must read, it's a must recommend. I will buy this in hardback for my collection of outstanding books if it is available.

I would recommend this for fans of science fiction and/or dystopian who can handle a bit of violence and like a lot of action mixed in with their world building and character development. If you're squeamish about violence, then this may not be for you.

I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher for an honest review. I was not paid for this review. And you will be jealous that I got to read it first.


  1. The cover immediately makes me think of some seriously dark fighting game. It has that "come here and find out how deep the rabbit hole goes" kind of feel.

    Your review is wonderful. I'll have to check this one out.

    1. That's EXACTLY what it's like. Which is why I loved it!

  2. Sounds fun! I'll keep my eye out for it. I like dystopian most of the time.

    1. This was intense, deeply thoughtful, and incredibly imaginative. I loved it!


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