Book Review: Odd Thomas

It has been a long time since I've read a book that literally kept me up at night reading page after page, devouring multiple chapters at a time. This book did that and so much more. The writing is superb, some passages and descriptions so good that I read them twice, like letting good wine sit on the tongue. That kind of writing is hard to find anymore. The dark sense of humor was entrancing, and much like my own in many ways so it was something I could relate to and understand. The deep rooted morals of a tormented soul who managed to do good despite what he'd been through in the past, and what he went through each day, was inspiring.

Sure, at times the references are too old for the character, he sometimes speaks directly to the reader, and the violence portrayed within isn't prettied up, but then if you saw dead people, you'd be a bit of an old soul too. And it is written sort of as a memoire after all. So, this won't be for everyone. But it was definitely for me. Five stars, and it passes the ultimate test, I will absolutely be reading the next book.

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  1. I loved ODD THOMAS. Skip the next, FOREVER ODD (I think he wrote because his publisher forced him). But BROTHER ODD is fantastic. Another great Koonz hero is Christopher Snow in FEAR NOTHING and SEIZE THE NIGHT.

    1. The Snow books are my all time favorite Koontz books! I loved them! Thanks for the heads up on the next Odd book. I've heard Brother Odd was fantastic. Good to have it backed up.

  2. I read 3 or 4 in the series, loved them all. I need to get back into reading them again. I miss reading for pleasure.

    1. I know what you mean. I've been reading so much for NetGalley lately that I haven't read something just for me in a long time. It was great!


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