The Big 6 Publishers Revisited

A few years ago I did a post on de-mystifying the Big 6~now 5 really since the merge of Random House and Penguin~publishing houses. A lot has changed since then so I thought it was time for an update. Whether you're on submission, or hope to be soon, it's a good list to have handy.

Here they are in no particular order (some subsidiaries may not be listed. Click on the links for a full listing):

Random House: There are a lot of publishing groups each with their own imprints under this huge roof. Here the groups: Crown Trade Group, Knopf Doubleday Publishing, Random House Publishing Group (including Ballantine, Bantam, Dell, and many others), Random House Children's Books, RH International, RH International.
Click here for Merge announcement 
Penguin: Ace Books, Amy Einhorn Books/Putnam, Avery, Berkly Books, Blue Rider Books, Celebra, Current, Daw, Dial Books for Young Readers, Dutton Books, Dutton Children's Books, Firebird, Fredrick Warne, Putnam Sons, G.P. Putnam's Sons Books For Young Readers, Gotham Books, Grosset & Dunlap, Hudson Street Press, Intermix, Kathy Dawson, NAL, Nancy Paulson, Pamela Dorman Books/Viking, Penguin, The Penguin Press, Perigee Books, Philomel Books, Plume, Pintail, Plume, Portfolio, Price Stern Sloan, Puffin Books, Razorbill, Riverhead, Sentinel, Speak, Tarcher, The Viking Press, Viking Books For Young Readers, Viking Studio.

Simon & Schuster: Atria, Folger Shakespeare Library, Free Press, Gallery Books, Howard Books, Pocket, Scribner, Simon & Schuster, Threshold Editions, Touchstone/Fireside, Aladdin, Atheneum Books, Beach Lane Books, Little Simon, Margaret K. McElderry, Paula Wiseman Books, BFYR, Simon Pulse, Simon Spotlight, Simon & Schuster Audio, Simon & Schuster Pimsleur.

MacMillan: Bedford/St. Martin's, Bloomsberry, Entangled (distributed publisher), Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Farrar Straus & Giroux Books For Young Readers, Feiwel & Friends, First Second, Gray Wolf Press (distributed publisher), Hayden McNeil, Henry Holt & Co., Henry Holt & Co. Books For Young Readers, Kingfisher, Macmillan Audio, Palgrave MacMillan, Papercutz (distributed publisher), Page Street (distributed publisher), Picador, Priddy Books, Roaring Brook Press, Scientific American, Square Fish, St. Martin's Press, Tor/Forge, Bedford/St. Martin's.

HarperCollins: Amistad, Avon, Caedmon, Ecco, Eos, Harper, It Books, Rayo, William Morrow, Balzer & Bray, Greenwillow Books, Harlequin, HarperFestival, Harper Teen, Katherine Tegen Books, Walden Pond Press.

Hachette Book Group: Grand Central Publishing, Faith Words, Center Street, Hyperion, Little Brown & Co., Little Brown & Co. For Young Readers, Orbit, Yen Press.

Now when your agent puts you out on submission and tells you he/she has submitted you to Perigree Books you don't have to wonder who in the world that is, you'll know it's Penguin! For those who haven't reached the editor submission stage yet, keep this handy, you'll need it someday soon. Don't forget, there are still a lot of great houses out there that aren't part of the big six.


  1. Fantastic list, Heather! Thanks for sharing it.

    1. You're welcome! When I did my research this time around I was shocked to find how much has changed.

  2. Thanks for the list. Interesting how some of them are merging.

    1. It is for sure! I was especially shocked about Harlequin when that one happened. Fingers crossed that it's a good thing.

  3. Hi, Heather, haven't visited in a while. Thought I'd stop by and see how you were doing. Your blog has really changed. I like the new look.
    Agent? Me? Right... But great post, hon. (^;

    1. Hi Lorelei! I know the feeling, it's been a while since I've made the rounds too. Crazy busy and all. I've missed you! And you never know, you're time will come!

  4. Oh, wow, this is excellent! Thank you, Heather!

    1. You're welcome Theresa, thanks for dropping by!

  5. My, how things have changed! Thanks for the updated list. I'll tweet it out :)

    1. You're welcome, and thank you! It is pretty different isn't it?!

  6. Having a nice summary of the Big 5 and their imprints can be really helpful once I can finagle an agent into my grasps and get my MS out on submission.

    1. Keep it handy Angela, you'll need it soon!


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