Instagram Leap

I have finally made the leap to Instagram. Photos inspire me so I figured, it would be a great place to feature photos that inspire both my writing, and my life in general. It seemed like a natural transition to move from Pinterest (where there is a lot of controversy over using photos you may not have rights to). I've love Pinterest, don't get me wrong, and I'll still likely post there, but I like the idea of a site that is pictures taken or designed by only me. So, Instagram, here I come! If you're on there, come find me, I'd love to connect with you there.


  1. Hi Heather, I will take that leap soon too!!! Love the photos!

    1. Thanks, Karlene! Looking me up when you get there.

  2. I've wanted to get on there a couple times, but my phone just isn't strong enough to handle the app and there is really no computer alternative. :(

    1. It's frustrating that there is no computer alternative. That's why it took me this long to get on there. Just now getting a smart phone again.


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