The Sad Way of Publishing

I was all set to deliver fantastic news about my traditional debut releasing this year from Samhain Publishing, when the devastating news about the press closing its doors was announced. A little over a month ago I signed with them and just over a week ago my editor and I were chatting about the title and the cover design, and getting excited about the fall release. Literally one moment we were excited and moving forward, the next, the doors that had opened were slamming closed.

I'm sad for not only my book and all the people who were looking forward to it, but for all of Samhain's authors (many of which are my friends), their editors, and other staff. Samhain has been a staple in the romance and horror genres for over ten years now and it is tragic to see them go. But, sales had declined to the point where they could no longer justify the overhead. Such is the way of publishing.

The rights for my novel will eventually be returned to me and since my agent and I did not query widely, there is a chance we will seek out other publishers for the novel we had placed with Samhain. In the meantime, I'm staying positive because I have three other manuscripts out on publisher submission. And, in the end, I believe things happen for a reason and perhaps that novel wasn't meant to be my traditional debut. That doesn't mean it will never see the light of day, it just means its day has not yet come.


  1. That's sad to hear. I wish you the best of luck!

  2. I love your perspective and attitude, but am still saddened that we won't see your book sooner. As a reader, I'm also sad to see Samhain go. I've enjoyed several of their titles over the years. I read three of their books last summer.

    1. Thank you, David. I was a huge fan of their authors as well so it is particularly saddening. :(

  3. What a blow! This will give you time to polish it even more and perhaps think of a way to make it even better. As you say, there is guiding force behind our lives that pushes us in directions we might not want at first to go. Hang in there!

  4. Heather, I am so sorry! As much for the company as for you... you are destined to greatness with this book and someone will snatch it up! So, no worries. But it's sad that another company is closing its doors. Something good will come. I know. But, I was so excited to hold your book. Soon. Keep believing!

    1. Thank you, Karlene. It is very sad. They were a great publisher.

  5. So sorry, Heather. That is devastating. Hopefully your agent and you will find an even better publisher for your book.

  6. So sorry! Publishing is so scary that way. That happened to some of my other writer friends in the last couple years, too. You are right, though, things happen for a reason, and better things are in the future for you!!

    1. Thanks, Alexia. I think we may have had it happen to the same friends. :( But I'm keeping my chin up and hoping good things are coming to all the people of Samahain, authors, editors, and all!


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