Monday's Muse

Okay, so part of me picked this picture last week because of the proximity of Halloween! But for the most part I picked it because I'm at a really dark place in my book. It's one of those moments where my main character does something that will change her life forever-or so she thinks. Hard chapter to write but so rewarding and worth it to see her growing. While this book is fun it is anything but light when I compare it to the last two.

As for music this last week, I've been listening to some dark things as well. Hey, it's a theme and it gets me into the right mood for the chapter!

Here's a link on why your manuscript can get rejected to start your Monday off right:


  1. Ooh, I'm diggin' the pic, Heather. I'm really staring to get into the pics you post. Yesterday I found myself thinking Hey, Heather's Monday Muse is up tomorrow. LoL! Or I was taking some scenic pics and thought, I must share these w/her, they're something that might inspire a part of her novel.
    Keep 'em coming!

  2. That's awesome, thanks! And hey, send those pictures my way. I love anything inspiring.


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