Twitter Tuesday

Some wonderful friends of mine over at gave me the idea to start Twitter Tuesday. Rather than steal their idea completely I'm using the title and doing something slightly different. Be sure to check them out though. They're a fantastic group who reviews the hottest new young adult titles. The stalk Twitter for the best tweets from the best writers out there and they come up with some great stuff so be sure to stop by their page.

I'll be talking about some of the great people I've found in the writing industry, and perhaps some who've found me. If a week goes by that I don't find anyone new, I'll find something else to dazzle you with! This last week I met Kami Garcia, co-author of the soon to be released Beautiful Creatures. She's a great gal and the book is going to be excellent! Check her out on twitter at: and

I also met the up and coming young adult author Myra McEntire. Myra is represented and kind of at the same stage in her career as I am. You can find her on Twitter at: and check out her fun website at:

Other big news on Twitter: fantasy author Neil Gaiman is starting a story on Twitter that fans can add their own lines to. When it's finished he's going to record it as an audio book! Check him out here: and read about his idea here:

As daunting as it may seem for those of you who haven't taken the plunge, this is what Twitter is all about. I can't think of any other website or chat room where you can meet anyone from published authors, editors, agents, publishers, readers, to up and coming authors. This is the melding pot folks and if you aren't in it, you're missing out!


  1. So cool!! Thank you for the mention. We'll be looking forward to your Twitter Tuesdays!!

  2. Thanks! I look forward to yours too!

  3. Thank you! You are just as sweet and you read to horses...

  4. My horse loves great young adult books! He's young at heart what can I say?!

  5. Thank you! We all have to stick together in the revision trenches! Fingers crossed for us both .... ;)


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