Twitter Tuesday~Best of Week 8/2/10

Despite being really busy this week I managed to pull some of the best Tweets for writers from Twitter. There is some great stuff in here. From the big question of self-publishing to making a living at writing and agents, it's all in here!

@ThoughtfulPen Is There Ever A Time To Self-Publish? #publishing #writetip #writechat #amwriting
(all the hashtags after it means this tweet will show up in each of those chats/searches.)

@Jolina_Joy An #Agent on Making a Living at #Writing: (via @elizabethscraig) #writetip

@ChuckSambuchino 2011 Guide to Literary Agents is out!!! 3 commenters will win a free copy!

@juliemusil RT @johannalive: Too often the good stuff in a query or pitch is in the end. Put it in the first sentence. -Stephen Fraser
(RT means re-tweet. It's what you put before something someone else said that you want to re-tweet because you liked it enough that you want your followers to see it)

@elizabethscraig What's the difference between querying an agent and querying an editor?

For you Twitter users, was there anything last week that caught your eye that I missed?


  1. I'm new to Twitter and just figuring things out. Your posts have helped me out a lot, though!

    Also, I hope it's okay; I gave you an award over on my blog if you want to pick it up. Thanks!

  2. Thank you Kari, that is so sweet! And just what I needed right now. I'm glad my post helped. I'm off to check out your blog...

  3. Awesome roundup, Heather! I think you picked some really important tweets.

  4. You're so welcome! : ) I'm glad you liked it.

  5. Thank you for compiling this, Heather. I'm off to go catch up on my reading!


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