Twitter Tuesday~All Over The Writing Board

This week's top tweets that I caught are all over the board of writing topics, which is kind of where I'm at right now, all over the board. I'm wrapping up the final read through edit of The Secret of Spruce Knoll, am searching for an agent for Trouble With the Dragon Empire, and am writing The First Dragonwatcher which just tipped over 75,000 words! Whew.

This first one is a link for those of you who need help on your synopsis:

@inkyelbows Excellent synopsis-writing tips from @Becky_Levine:

This one is an interview by Chuck Sambuchino of a new agent that is searching for children's books:

@alicepope Today on the @SCBWI blog --Agent Interview: Mary Kole @Kid_Lit  Andrea Brown Literary Agency.

If you haven't heard about the Wylie agency e-book deal with Amazon you have to read this! It's huge news in the publishing industry and affects all authors:

@WeronikaJanczuk Have you heard? Wylie-Amazon e-books partnership gives in to Random House:

This is a great interview with literary agent Marisa Corvisiero (remember, I saw her first! Just kidding):

@mcorvisiero Thoughts from a Literary Agent: New Interview by: Michael A. Ventrella

And if you don't know who Elizabeth Craig is hurry over to this link to find out. She is an awesome author and one of the most supportive people I've ever met. This post sheds new light on the old addage, "write what you love:

@elizabethscraig Writers--what's your specialty?

So Twitter peeps, did I miss anything great? If so, leave me a link! Go ahead, be shameless, it can be your own link!


  1. Great links--I've read some of them and will get to the rest later.

    Also, I posted today on the (over)use of the em dash at Sisters in Scribe.

  2. Thanks Kristi! I'm off to check out your post!

  3. Hi Heather, I just stumbled across your blog - you've got a lot of great stuff on here. I liked the article on the big six publishing houses... I learned something new.

    I hope you'll check out my blog too. I have a lot of flash fiction on there that you might like. :)


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