WriteOnCon Highlights

If you are a young adult or middle grade writer you were probably attending the online conference WriteOnCon over the last few days. If not I'm really sorry because you missed one monumental event. Agents, big publishing house editors, authors, and hundreds of writers were in attendance. The content was easily some of the best I've come across at conferences yet. And the big kicker, it was FREE. Yep you read that right, FREE. If you did miss it have no fear, they're already planning for next year!

I've been pretty absent from Twitter because WriteOnCon kept me so busy~and I was a bit sick~and I'm behind on reading everyone's blogs. I plan on catching up today I promise! But before I do here are some of the highlights from the conference tweeted by the organizers and publishing pros for those who missed it:

@ElanaJ Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Start a Revision by editor Kendra Levin http://nblo.gs/6Jw6i
@ElanaJ In Defense of a Less Than Huge Advance by literary agent Michelle Wolfson http://nblo.gs/6JqeM
@curiousmartha Don't miss @molly_oneill's fab #writeoncon post! (Give Yourself Permission) http://bit.ly/djaJyr
@ElanaJ #WriteOnCon Plot and Pacing, part one, by lit. agent/author @WeronikaJanczuk: http://tinyurl.com/3ylyf7a
@ElanaJ #WriteOnCon The Revision Process by author @cynthea (Cynthea Liu): http://tinyurl.com/2uppknt
@ElanaJ #WriteOnCon Do's and Don't's of Querying by literary agent Kate Testerman (@DaphneUn): http://tinyurl.com/36bzko8  

For non-Twitter folks the @'s are people's Twitter handles. Some of these are blog type posts and some were live chats that you can view like a vlog. I learned so much that I'm sure it will take me days to process it all. I'm looking forward to next year!


  1. Wish I'd known about this before it was half over! What an incredibly helpful project!

  2. It was amazing! I'm really glad it was a blog too, so that I will be able to refer back to it when my brain isn't buzzing with an overload of information.

  3. It's a shame you didn't Nate. It was a great experience. The good news is they're doing it again next year and knowing those ladies, it will be bigger and better!

  4. I know huh Lisa? It was so much to take in, just like any live conference. But better than the live conferences, we have vlogs and blog posts now! Loved it.

  5. I'm with Lisa.... I am all about having that info to refer to when I get stuck or listening to one of those fabulous keynotes when I need some sweet inspiration!

    Thanks for the awesome highlights Heather!

    I am so happy you enjoyed WriteOnCon!

  6. You're welcome Jamie! Thank you for being part of putting on that amazing conference!

  7. I'm with Nate, wished I'd have heard about this before it was nearly over. I'm not an author of YA or MG, but I'm sure it was helpful to authors of any age group. Thanks for the highlights Heather! Hope you're feeling better too.

  8. I'm still making my way through the archives, but so far it was super impressive.


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