Monday's Muse~Stormy Weather

The tension in my novel is really ramping up this week, as my picture inspiration probably indicates. I've passed the halfway mark of my book and with each page that passes things are rolling faster toward the inevitable climax. This week's chapter involved storms and dragons and was all about my main character learning he has to trust someone besides himself. I'm currently sitting at 56,000 words! I think it will mature between 80,000 and 90,000 so I'm over halfway there!

I'm still reading The Tension of Opposites and it has me absolutely hooked. It is so hard to put this book down! Check in this Wednesday to find out more about it when I interview the author Kristina McBride.

The song for this week's chapter is Enter Sandman by Metallica. What's inspiring you this week? Are you reading any great books?


  1. Wow, Heather, you are on a roll! 80,000 - 90,000 words will be fantastic. And I love this picture of lightning over the water -- perfect inspiration for tension that grabs you.

  2. I LOVE stormy weather. Not just for writing, but for living -- for curling up with a book, for watching the lightning streak across the sky, for cuddling with the hubby. We've been having some thunder here for the past few days, so your post is extra timely for me! :)

  3. Oh, I love that song! Great choice. And congrats on your word count!

  4. Thanks Linda! I would be really happy with a word count that fell somewhere between those two numbers. It just feels right for this book.

  5. Me too Betherann. Stormy weather is like a writer's energy drink. It inspires me so much! The timing was perfect for me too. We had a few great thunder and lightning storms here just as I was writing this chapter about a storm. Loved it!

  6. Yay Kari, another Metallica fan! There is a lot of darkness to this book so the darker music just calls to me right now.

  7. Great song! I love weather both as an inspiration to write (nothing makes me want to curl up with my laptop more than a good ole thunderstorm) and as a mood and threat in my stories. There's an awesome energy about thunderstorms, and here on the prairie they can be downright majestic :-)

    Happy writing,


  8. Oooh, loves the picture of the lightning.

    Looks like you are getting in the groove of your novel.

    And I keep hearing great things about THE TENSION OF OPPOSITES. The cover pulled me during a bookstore browse. Must put this on my TBR list.

  9. Thanks Portia. There is something awesome about a storm, you're so right!

    I really am getting into the groove of this one Karen, thanks! You'll love THE TENSION OF OPPOSITES. It is an exceptional book!

  10. Right now I'm trying to be inspired by...summer. It's going fast, and I need to enjoy it before getting hit with another horrible winter. Which means, get my face out of the laptop and go swimming with my kids more often!

  11. It is going way too fast isn't it Lydia? That's a great reminder to all of us writers to step out and enjoy a bit of life so that we can write about it later. Thanks!

  12. Yay, Heather! You're almost there! I pretty much adore writing in stormy weather. Something about the charge in the air ignites me!


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