Monday's Muse~Helping Libraries

This isn't a pile of garbage, it's a pile of soaking wet books from a library in Upper Jay New York. Though much of New York escaped hurricane Irene mostly unscathed, the Wells Memorial Library in Upper Jay New York did not. Their inventory was devastated by flooding. The children's and young adult books were the worst impacted as they were on the lower shelves so the children could reach them. Why would such a sad sight inspire me, you wonder? Because of the response of the online reading and writing community.

When author Kate Messner came across this little library in her travels and saw this sad sight, she responded by blogging about it and reaching out to others for help. To read her entire story go here. Like Kate, the moment I heard about this I had to do something. Thankfully, Kate has given us all the info we need to direct our efforts. A local bookstore is helping the library by hosting an auction of donated signed books. I've donated a signed hardcopy of The Secret of Spruce Knoll to be auctioned off. They are also accepting monetary donations to help replenish their book stock. If you're an author who would like to donate a copy for auction you can send a signed copy of your novel to:

The Bookstore Plus 
2491 Main ST. 
Lake Placid, NY 12946

Even if you choose not to help the Wells Memorial Library, in this ever tightening economy chances are there is a library in your area that could use your help. As authors and book lovers it is up to us to help keep our libraries alive and thriving. Visit your local library when you can and become involved.


  1. That makes me so sad! I am blessed to have a rockin' library system at my disposal... and I don't live anywhere near hurricane weather. : )

  2. I love our community. I love how we always do whatever we can. I wish I had a signed book to donate. But I am excited to have just found out that my little community is thinking of opening it's own library branch! I'm soooo excited and can't wait to see what I can do to help. Heck, my mother was a librarian for years and years. It's in my blood.

  3. E.R., it is terribly sad. That's excellent that you have such a wonderful library in your neighborhood!

    Lisa, me too, our community is amazing. That's great that you're town is thinking about opening a library! My fingers are crossed!

  4. I have a bunch of books I'm about to donate to my local public library. It's so sad when they close!

  5. Our rural libraries are thriving. Makes me so sad to learn that others aren't getting the support they deserve.

  6. What a wonderful effort to help. Yes, I'm checking out donating. thanks!

  7. Seeing damaged books like that makes me sad. It's truly tragic. Libraries are fantastic and we should support them as much as we can.

  8. Excellent post, and for a great cause. Thanks for letting me know. :)

  9. Lydia, it really is!

    Anelina, that's excellent that your libraries are doing so good! It is terribly sad to see others neglected, so true.

    Linda, you're a saint. :)

  10. Lynda, it does I know! It brought tears to my eyes.

    Elana, you're very welcome! :)

  11. Heather, I had no idea. Thank you so much for bringing this to our awareness. With awareness, we can create change and help! You're the best!

  12. I love hearing about ways in which people have reached out to help others. Thanks for posting about this otherwise I'd never have known! Christh

  13. I saw that. So sad. Thanks for the link and the address. I have some Borders books that I was gonna donate to my library. Maybe I'll just send them there.

  14. A city in the province I live in was destroyed this spring in a forest fire. The library was brand new. The writing community banded together to help out. You've got to love that. :D

  15. Karlene, so very true!

    Christy, me too, you're welcome. :)

    Karen, you're very welcome! Either way you'll be helping out. :)

    Stina, that's so sad! And uplifting at the same time!

  16. Oh, what a sad sight, but how great that the community is rallying round.

    We donate all our books to our local library, not much I know, but every little helps.

  17. I've been signing petitions over here to keep all the branches of the Toronto Public Library open - our mayor wants to close them to save the money.

    I think it's wonderful that you're helping to spread the word and to help this library in New York. The writing community is truly amazing. :-)

  18. Thanks for sharing this Heather, it's easy to pass on, and the photo is so shocking, eh? I can almost smell the horror.

  19. That is heartbreaking. I have done a huge overhaul of our school library and donated so many books to our local library. I hope every teacher does this.

  20. That photo is SO SAD! Thanks so much for the info, Heather. :-)

  21. Sarah, every bit definitely helps!

    Crystal, that's excellent! You go girl! I hope you get all the signatures you need.

    Tanya, you're welcome! I know what you mean, the photo was so sad.

    Christa, it really is! That's fantastic of you! I love to hear when people do that. :)

  22. What a sad sight :( I think I would be devasted if my hometown library was destroyed. Thanks for the contack info Heather. I will definitely be passing this on to everyone I know!


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