Twitter Tuesday~Agent Advice & Critiques

I caught a lot of great tweets for you last week! The wonderful and frank Audry T brings us this great post about why we should plot:
AudryT Are you a pantser-by-default? Get off your ass and start plotting:…

One of my favorite blogs talks about when to do research:
LTWFblog Let The Words Flow When to do Research? Before the first draft, or after? #amresearching #amwriting #amwriting

Agent Sarah LaPolla stresses the importance of reading our manuscripts aloud:
sarahlapolla Sarah LaPolla by julichilliard: Writers: Read your work aloud. If you trip over too many words or poorly constructed sentences, it's time to rewrite.

Agent Sarah LaPolla brings us a tip on dialogue:
sarahlapolla Sarah LaPolla by julichilliard: #writingtip If it's obvious who is speaking, you don't need dialogue tags. Narrative is much cleaner when you remove unnecessary "said."

My critique sisters and I are hosting another critique session:
HeatherMcCorkle First Paragraph Critiques: Need help with yours? Stop by and leave a comment! #writecampaign #WritersRoad #writing

Agent Vickie Motter highlights a learning opportunity:
Vickie_Motter NEW Webinar. Let instructor and agent Andrea Hurst show you how to structure your plot, with an included critique:

Agent Diedre Knight stresses the importance of networking:
DeidreKnight The flip side of how small the writing/pub world is? Network like crazy b/c you never know when a relationship will develop or help. #pubtip

Writer's Digest highlights a great conference:
WritersDigest Check out the Hampton Roads Writers Conference in Virginia Beach, Sept. 22-24 Agents in attendance

Agent Jill Corcoran brings us a post by Agent Rachelle Gardner on a "No" response:
JillCorcoran Can I be honest, I love Rachelle Garder's post When No Response Means “No”…

Still here? Get clicking! Well, okay, you can comment first if you like. :) Let me know if I missed any great tweets!


  1. Wow, great tweets again, Heather. Panster/plotter. . . ah, the never-ending debate. (This one is like a ping-pong game in my own head. I just sit back and watch sometimes. Right now my right brain is winning)

  2. A great line-up as usual, Heather! Thanks!! :-)

  3. Linda, it is a fun debate for sure!

    Shannon, you're very welcome hon!

    Laila, lol, sounds like me! ;)

  4. Where do you find the time to find all these great links? Thanks, Heather. I always look forward to your Tuesday posts, Roland

  5. Thanks Heather. When I get a chance I must check them out...

    I have another 100 pages or so to get through on my final edit... So excited.

  6. Roland, that's a great question. Sometimes I have no idea! LOL!

    Michael, congrats on the progress of your editing! Fingers crossed that the rest flies by!

  7. Did you see Janet Reid's response to Jill's blog?

  8. Thank you Heather. A long flight. A long day. A great sleep and I have Twitter Tuesday to use to catch up. Thank you so much for sharing these great people.

  9. Well aren't you a wealth of info! Thanks for all the great links:)

  10. Stina, I didn't, I'll have to check it out!

    Karlene, you're welcome! Hopefully you'll get a chance for some R&R soon!

    Deana, lol! You're welcome!


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