Monday's Muse~Hawaii & Touring

Happy Monday! *ducks* My inspiration last week was still my wonderful trip to Hawaii. I think it will be inspiring me for a very long time. This picture is me (yes I have tattoos. I thought about photoshopping them out but decided not to. *waits for the gasps to die down*. For the kids, don't get them. I attempted having one removed once, WORST pain of my life, seriously.), Karen Strong, and Kathy McCullough.

What inspired you last week?

The winner of the signed copy of Lacrimosa is: Ivya
Congrats Ivya! I've sent your information along to Christine and she should be in touch soon.

Welcome to the final week of the To Ride A Puca tour. Today I'm visiting the fabulous author Susan Kaye Quinn. I hope you'll stop by to say hi and get extra entries into the contest. Speaking of which: This week is the biggest prize yet, a signed paperback of Saundra Mitchell’s fabulous YA paranormal historical about a girl who can see the future, The Vespertine and a signed hardback of the companion novel, The Springsweet. Saundra’s writing is breathtakingly beautiful and she is the one who inspired me to write historical in the first place, so it only seemed fitting to give away copies of her book. I was delighted when she graciously agreed to sign both copies! The contest will be open until June 17th, the winner to be announced on the 18th.

(To Ride A Puca is available in eBook and hardback at B&N, Amazon, The Book Depository and other retail sites.)

To enter to win Saundra's books, fill out the form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Susan is my next blog stop! Hopping over now...

    So jealous you went to Hawaii. Nice.

  2. i came from susan's. can't wait to get to ride a puca! loved the blurb. and the tattoo! i didn't gasp. :0) i have a tattoo of a treble cleff sign on my lower back. every year i bend just the wrong way and somehow a student catches a glimpse of it. then, in that very discrete way young students have, they announce it to the whole class. lovely. christy

    1. Thanks Christy! On all counts. ;) LOL! Don't you just love kids?!

  3. Glad you got to go to Hawaii, Heather. New Zealand is my dream vacation. Of course, Olivia Wilde is my dream date. I have the same chance to live either dream!

    The tattoo is lovely. Not my thing. But then, skydiving is not my thing either. But I applaud others to dream their own dreams.

    1. I'd love to go there some day too! I hope you get to go some day. You are such a sweetheart, thank you. :)

  4. Ah, the ocean air, the gorgeous scenery, the writing inspiration. And the yummy drinks with pineapple!! So great. Don't worry about the tattoos. You wear them well.

    1. Ah, thanks Linda. ;) And yes, I wish you could have been there! It was a wonderful trip.

  5. I'm glad that you got a chance to go to Hawaii,

  6. I'm gettig over the tattoo thing...
    Um, yeah. I had three psychic moments (1 today), and the first was about the cat (see blog on cat with 9 lives)-might not seem like inspiration, but I think it opens up chanels for me, and things pop into my head for then next scene.

    Glad you had fun. I'm home for vacation.

    1. Now I'm intrigued, I'm off to check it out!

  7. Wow, Hawaii? That's awesome. :)

    And I didn't know there was a sequel/companion to The Vespertine.

    1. It was amazing! SO glad I could bring about awareness about Saundra's fabulous book! I'm reading it right now and am LOVING it.

  8. Ah, seems just like yesterday when we were in Hawaii. :)

    I also didn't know THE SPRINGSWEET was a companion novel. I love this author!

    1. It does doesn't it?! *sigh* And yes, it is! And it's fantastic!

  9. Replies
    1. The ever-popular choice BN! Thanks for entering!

  10. Heather, love the picture. I smiled when I saw the tattoos...and then when you commented on them. They are part of your life experiences... glad you didn't photo shop.

    Your Hawaii trip inspired me last week. Life has been going so crazy as late, and I feel like I can't catch up. But, I was totally inspired by someone who called me and said they'd read the article about my book in the Dallas paper. Then, someone wrote a post about the 6 Pilot suicides American had. Then the news showed up at American's door.

    I heard all this from a pilot who called to tell me about this. So, that was inspiring because when we least expect it, are words are read and made a difference.

    BTW... you have to come to Seattle to sign my books. :)

  11. Oh, wow. I'd love to have the influence of Hawaii :)
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog


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