Wednesday Writing Goal~Good Causes

My goal last week was to finish a new chapter that I'm working on for my editing project, and I did! Yay! *throws confetti* On the downside, I realized I needed to write another new chapter. *sigh* Oh well. The celebration was fun while it lasted. These chapters will make it stronger overall so I'm happy to be writing them. My #writegoal (remember to use this hashtag on Twitter if you'd like to check in with me and others for support on your goals) for next week is to finish the second new chapter. Did you make your goals for last week? What are your goals for this coming week?

On a side note, due to having two posts go up on Monday, I fear that my shout out for author Kristie Cook's fabulous cause (supporting a hotline for domestic abuse victims) may have gone under the radar for many. So I hope you'll check out this great cause at this link and enter to win the signed books I'm giving away to help support the cause.

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  1. So glad you met your goals. Awesome when you do. I'm meeting mine too.

  2. It's a great feeling when you meet your goals. My goal is to finish editing my wip by the time my kids finish school next Wednesday.

  3. Those little celebrations for meeting each goal are so important! Congrats on yours. I'm working on mine :)

    1. They really are. They're what keeps me moving forward onto the big goals! Best of luck with yours. You can do it!

  4. Congratulations Heather! I love when you reach your goals. That inspires the rest of us. Especially me. And thank you for supporting Kristie. She is an awesome woman and incredible writer. And you are so sweet to give away books too.
    You're the best!

    1. Thank you, me too! Glad I could inspire you. ;) Kristie really is amazing and I'm happy to do anything I can to help!

  5. Congratulations on meeting your goal! :)

    1. Thanks GE! I hope your goals are going great too.

  6. I've given up on setting writing goals with the kids out of school. It's pointless. The only goals I'm concerning myself with are keeping my blog running and keeping my inboxes (2) from running amok and filling up. LOL

    Great post. I'll check out the #hashtag. ;)

    1. It is tough with a full house! Best of luck tackling that inbox and keeping your blog flowing.

  7. Sounds like you're making good progress. Day job stranded me this week, but hopefully can get something done this weekend! :)

    1. Darn day job. I hate it when that happens! Here's hoping you have a productive weekend!

  8. Congrats on making your goal. My goal is to continue drafting my work-in-progress. I don't have a specific chapter goal. I just want to continue drafting it, even if that means getting through only a few pages.

    1. Best of luck on drafting! I'm getting ready to start outlining a new novel too. So excited!

  9. Gah! That's always the case, isn't it? Finish one thing only to find another thing needs a fixin'!

    My poor mom wants to read my book, but every time she asks if she has the most "updated" copy, I have to say "Um... errrr... let me send it to you AGAIN!"

    Haha! I guess its never done until your agent forces it into the publisher's clutches! Good luck!

    1. So true! LOL! Actually, it isn't done until your publisher sends it off to the printer. It still amazes me how late in the process some changes are made.


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