Monday's Muse~Jaguars

First, for those who are dying to know, the winner of the final week of the puca tour giveaway is:

Congrats Shana! You've won signed copies of The Vespertine and The Springsweet by Saundra Mitchell. 

Last week this amazing picture fed my muse as I worked on a new chapter that is going into my work in progress. It was one of those surprises that comes up during editing when you realize you need to flesh something out. And wow am I glad I realized it because I’m loving this chapter!

As for reading muse, I just finished The Springsweet by Saundra Mitchell. It is part historical, part paranormal, and all AWESOME. I love this author’s work, she is just amazing. Her writing is almost lyrical in the way that it flows. A natural storyteller. I highly recommend it.

A surprise inspiration was the discovery that To Ride A Puca is being featured on Bookpinning. It’s a great site that features some outstanding authors and I’m completely honored to be among them. Click here to check it out.


  1. Inspiration, the muse, the desire to do something is always an evasive creature.

    1. Unfortunately so true. If only we could find a sure way to trigger the muse.

  2. What a gorgeous picture. I love big cats, and that jaguar is incredible. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. It is isn't it?! Me too, and jaguars are one of my favorites.

  3. These are some of my favorite creatures. Not just saying that either. Totally gorgeous!

    1. Then I think you'll like book three in the channeler series! ;)

  4. Heather, such a gorgeous picture. This is my muse today too! Thank you.

  5. Congrats, Shauna! Love the inspiration picture. :)

  6. Oooh, pretty kitty!

    Thanks for sharing what inspires you. :)

  7. It's cool to see other people's inspiration. I can see why something so beautiful and powerful can inspire.

  8. Great picture, Heather. I love it. And congrats on the Bookpinning status.

  9. Congrats on Bookpinning! It's great to see your book there.

  10. Hmmm. Wonder what he's thinking. :)

    Congrats on the feature!!!!


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