Wednesday Writing Goal~New Ending

Last week my goal was to complete the new ending for my work in progress. I failed. *sigh* but I'm close, as in like, maybe a page or two away. The 'day' job has been draining and marketing has kept me busy with almost every other free moment. This week I'll get it done though, I'm determined!

As for reading goals, I finished reading Glimpse by Stacey Wallace Benefiel and enjoyed it. A girl who can glimpse the future, a family filled with drama, and parts of it take place in my old stomping ground. Can't go wrong there. And the eBook is free right now on both Kindle and Nook so it costs you nothing to check it out.

How about you? How did you do on your writing or reading goals last week? And have you entered my contests yet? Here is the latest one, and it's for a great cause (for the details and other giveaways click on the Events tab above). You can skip options that you don't want to do and move onto those that you do:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Goals? Well let's just say my original 2012 goals are totally derailed. But I've accomplished more than I planned to so it's not so bad. On the writing front, I'm 2 months behind on finishing my wip that is due out in 2013. If I don't finish that baby by August it may not be able to be born in 2013. But I overcame a major hurdle thanks to my author friends on Facebook and will be making headway on it now. I'm about 62% done. Editing of my series that's due out next spring is going slow. I got back a slew of edits for my 2nd round with the editor and I haven't even really started. It still has to be done then formatted and sent to the proofreader which means - yeah, even more edits.

    1. You and me both sweetie. You've accomplished things and moved forward though, that's what counts! Glad to hear you overcame a major hurdle, congrats! Hang in there.

  2. Yes, you will get it done, Heather. I know you! :) My writing goal this week? Don't get me started! I've spent eleven solid writing hours the past two days on the dreaded long synopsis (5 pages). Looking at at least that much more. As difficult as this is, I have to say it's a powerful exercise, and I do think it may be an excellent guide to whether you accomplished what you needed to in the novel itself. (p.s. sympathies on the day job. ugh!)

    1. Aw, thanks! Oh no, not the synopsis, ugh. I feel for you! Good point, though we may hate it, it's a great exercise.

  3. Writing goals are a little off track this year due to some health issues. Thankfully, it's gotten all sorted out, but I am still having a bit of trouble getting back on the train. My daily output is slowly going up, and hopefully, I'll be back to where I was word wise soon.

    1. Oh no Tina, I'm so sorry to hear about that! Thank goodness everything was sorted out. I hope you're feeling bettter. You'll be there soon, I have no doubt. :)

  4. Hi Heather. Good luck with finishing! I downloaded Glimpse while I was here. Good holiday reading. I'm heading for Fiji fo 6 weeks tomorrow!


  5. Hi Heather,
    My goals are somewhat out of whack, I'm writing for my blog, but not my wip. Sometimes this bugs me, but I'm content with it this week since it's summer vacation and all four rugrats are home. :)

    1. Sorry to hear that. :( I've been out of whack lately too so I feel for you!

  6. Heather, you did not fail. If there is anyone who is a huge success it's you! Did I make my goals? I too have been consumed with life, and thus set my goals to just do a little more each day. Some days it's a lot more. Some days... just a little. But as long as we keep moving forward, we'll be good.
    You just keep doing what you're doing.

    So... just finished a great book, and starting the next tonight in the bathtub. Go Puca!

    1. Aw, thanks Karlene, that helps, a lot! And you're right, moving forward is the important part.

  7. It's so good to set those goals though, isn't it? I've stopped doing that. I need to make some new goals.

    1. It helps me more than I can say. Hang in there girl, you'll forge a new path! :)

  8. Only 1-2 pages away? That's nothing. You're doing awesome. I bet you have even finished it by now:)

    1. Not yet, but only a few paragraphs away. I'm anal about the ending being perfect so it's taking me a while.

  9. The fact that I'm commenting to this Wednesday post on a Saturday speaks for itself. Ha ha.

    Day job also got out of hand this week but we hired two new people -- so I see light for sure!

    Next week I'm on "staycation" so I plan to get lots of revision done.

    1. I know that feeling! So glad to hear there is light at the end of the tunnel for you in the day job, yay! Happy revising!


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