Holiday Must Have Gift Idea #2

With the holidays right around the corner I'll be featuring must have gifts to help those of you who may need ideas. Neverlove by Angela Brown, and it blew me away. This novel just released and already it's receiving outstanding reviews, with good reason. Here is a bit about it:

For Abigail Bishop, life has reached its final low, and seventeen doesn't seem such a bad age to die.

For Basil Hines, perfection is the key to earning his parents' love, especially his mother. He never suspected sharing this thought with a friend would bring hellish results.

Abigail's rash decision, and failure to take her own life, leads her to V'Salicus Academy, a place to start anew, become a Cleanser, a guide to show lost souls the way to The Gates for Judgment. Basil ends up duty bound to hell, his soul gambled and lost to the Devourer, all for the price of a few words. As the devil's newest Harvestor, Basil must steal lost souls to feed his new master's constant craving.

In their new roles in life, love is forbidden, but when their paths cross, true love is what Abigail and Basil finally discover in each other. Can they hold tight to their love, or will duty trump all, leaving them both to a fate of Neverlove?

AmazonB&N, and for a limited time, you can order a signed paperback right from Angela! I recommend this for readers who enjoyed Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick or Lacrimosa by Christine Fonseca. Some dark elements may not be suitable for younger readers.


  1. Great idea for a gift and a post. Nicely done! I have Angela's book; she's next of my list to read!

  2. Wow, that's a powerful plot. I especially find Abigail's setup intriguing. Nice!

    1. She's a very compelling character and it's a great book!

  3. This is awesome! How could anyone not want to read this? 17 is not such a bad age to die....
    So many books, so little time.

    1. It's powerful, and not for the faint of heart, but oh so good!

  4. Intriguing premise. I love the cover. Heather, did you design this one? Either way, it's gorgeous. Love the teardrop.

    1. I did. *blushes* But the mastermind behind it was Angela. She knew exactly what she wanted and was a HUGE help!


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