INDIE-giving Blogfest and Giveaway

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to open my heart and share thanks. This year I have all of you, my wonderful readers and friends to be thankful for. Many of you are Indie authors who I've met along my journey, which makes this the perfect time to give back something special.

My lovely friends and fellow authors, the Indelibles are putting on INDIE-giving in which we take a week to show our thanks. The blogfest will run from November 18-25 (the Sunday-to-Sunday surrounding Thanksgiving). During this week, each participating blogger will reflect on her or his blessings and share something with visitors. Many will be doing giveaways, myself included! Others may choose to share the best piece of advice they wished they'd known before they published. The choice of what to share will be as unique as the individual blogger. The only requirement is that you open your heart in the spirit of thankfulness and giving.

Although this is something we could do individually, banding together to share our blessings seemed like the right thing to do. If you'd like to join us, go to this link and add your name to the list, then get your post ready for November 18th. Whether you're an Indie author or just love reading Indie books, we hope you'll join us. We can't wait to see what blessings have been bestowed upon you this year. And mark your calendars indie authors because I'll be giving away a personalized cover design to one lucky person!

Join us for INDIE-giving!


  1. Tossed my name on the linky and am excited to participate.

    1. Yay! Glad to have you with us, it wouldn't be the same without you. :)

  2. Yep, I'm signed up!

  3. What a fantastic way to celebrate Thanksgiving. I am impressed! And I'm so impressed with the indie authors I know, too! Thanks for this great reminder of authors and thanks, all wrapped up together like a holiday.

    1. All wrapped up together, I like that! You know us, we love coming together. :)


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