INDIE-giving Blogfest and Cover Design Giveaway

In the spirit of Thanksgiving I'm joining in on the INDIE-giving blogfest. I'm thankful for each of my friends, family, fans, and so much more. It was hard to choose a prize to give away but I finally decided to give away a cover design (up to three images can be used with this type of design). Yep, you read that right, a cover design! At a $100 value!!! If you’ve been wanting/needing a cover for a book you have planned to release, now is your chance to enter to win a personalized design that is both unique and perfectly tailored to your novel. I've designed for acclaimed and award winning authors and now I could be designing for you!

Before we get to the contest entry, don't forget to check out all the other fabulous people joining in on INDIE-giving and enter all the fun giveaways, read the great posts, and spread the cheer.

So how do you enter? Help spread the word about CP Design by filling out the easy to use Rafflecopter form below (with ready-made tweets, Facebook likes, also blogging about the contest, putting up a sidebar button on your blog, that kind of thing) and gather points for the contest.

Want to win it for a gift for someone? I will be happy to send along a nice 'certificate' to them that you can put under the tree.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

More contest details: The winner can upgrade to a premium eBook cover (up to five images can be used for this type of cover) for only $50 (normally $150) or they can upgrade to a paperback cover by paying the difference of $100 (normally it costs $200). And I’m always happy to do paperback upgrades later for the difference only.


  1. I don't need a cover designed, but what an awesome giveaway Heather.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Stephanie, and best of luck to you!

  3. Great contest, Heather! Have a fantastic Thanksgiving.

    1. Thank you, on both counts! I would wish you one too, but... wrong country. ;)

  4. This is great Heather. I'm so sad it's ending on Thanksgiving. I had this mentioned on the Monday Motivation today, but something terrible happened this weekend and needed to write a message and move it next week. Just occurred to me, it will be too late.

    Email me and tell me what you want to shout about next week. Something special for you!!!

    1. That's okay. I have a fabulous idea that I'd love to shout out about. I'll email you!

  5. What a fun and worthwhile thing to do! I entered and tweeted. (I'd love a cover of my WIP to stare at!)

    1. Best of luck, I'd love to do one for you! And thank you.


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