Indie ReCon~The Online Con For Indies

A small group of indie writers, myself included, has pulled together and is hosting a FREE online conference on everything INDIE in Feb 2013!

Welcome to the first INDIE ReCon - Make Indie Publishing a Mission Possible

Are you curious about Indie publishing, but don't know where to start?  Or, are you already a published Indie author looking to boost your sales or expand your reach?  Then you'll want to attend a new exciting online conference happening in 2013 - INDIE Revolution Conference.  Or as we like to call it, INDIE ReCon.

INDIE ReCon is happening online from February 12-14, 2013.

INDIE ReCon is a FREE, ONLINE conference that is modeled after the awesome annual WriteOnCon. It is designed to help any writer or author who is curious about the ins and outs of Indie publishing. 

However any author or writer can attend because we cover topics all of you may want to know more about (marketing etc)

Everything from the pros and cons of Indie publishing, essential aspects in creating a high-quality book, successful online marketing, and expanding into International markets. 

We will feature over 30 guests that include industry experts as well as some of the bestselling adult and young adult authors in the publishing industry today including: Bob Mayer, Hugh Howey, M. Leighton, and Samantha Young (just to name a few).  

For three days, INDIE ReCon will highlight new topics every hour (sometimes every half hour) for 8 hours a day which will include interviews, blog posts, vlogs, and live online chats.  You'll receive advice from authors, bloggers, marketing partners, cover designers, editors, and more.  You can check out our line up of topics and guests on our website.

Did we mention it's FREE and ONLINE? Well, there's more. Tons of Giveaways! There will be awesome giveaways from each and every speaker and partner. This will include books as well as services like free book designs, free editing, book development services, marketing prizes, and more. 

So mark your calendars for Feb 12-14th!


  1. FREE??? Well, shoot! You can't beat that. I don't know how I'll hold my excitement until then!
    Thanks, Heaather. Gonna tweet and share this.

    1. I'm so glad you're going to make it to the con Lorelei. It will be epic!

  2. This sounds like a really cool conference!

    1. Thanks GE, I hope you're able to drop in on it.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Connie! It's a great group organizing it so it should be fun!

  4. When you're a strugglig Indie authro, FREE and "learn lots" are nice to have in a combo pack.

    I can certainly use some good tips regarding boosing my sales so I've got some more learning to do :-)

    1. We'll see you there then! I hope the conference is a huge help for you because your book rocks and deserves to be selling like mad!

  5. Hope your holidays have been great! I can't wait to attend your conference. ;D

    1. They were, thanks Lisa! I hope yours were as well. Looking forward to 'seeing' you there!

  6. How exciting! Looking forward to it! You guys come up with the most amazing ideas :D

    1. Thank you Saba! Looking forward to having you there. :)


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