Swoon Reads

Have you heard tha latest news from MacMillan yet? It's pretty huge, like industry altering huge possibly. If you write young adult with romantic themes, it might be a good option for you. Here it is from the imprint's mouth: 

"Swoon Reads is a teen romance imprint publishing under Feiwel and Friends, an imprint of Macmillan.

Swoon Reads is dedicated to publishing books that capture the intensity of teen love. More than an imprint, Swoon Reads is a community – one whose members are included in every step of the publishing process. We open the doors for writers and readers to discover the best, most Swoon-worthy teen romance novels and make their voices heard. Together, we publish love stories you will want to read over and over again.What are we looking for? Swoon-worthy, irresistible, unforgettable love stories for our new teen romance line."

While I'm not completely on board yet, I think it sounds promising. So long as it doesn't turn into merely a popularity contest and remains about what readers really want, then I think this could be a great fork in the road for publishing. We shall see. Want to find out more? 


  1. I did hear that. Sounds awesome! Yay! for something positive happening. :)


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