Writers Road Recap: Thankful Characters

Join us tonight for another live #WritersRoad chat on Twitter. Until then, here is the recap of last week's chat:

I have a suspicion that my MC is thankful that I'm still attempting to write his story at all. ;) #WritersRoad

The things your characters are thankful for shape who they are, how they act, how they feel. Use that! #WritersRoad

When I saw the topic earlier I went ahead and started a list if things my MC is thankful for. Will share. #WritersRoad

Jenin (MC) Gives Thanks: For being Muslim. For her Muslim sisters and critique sisters. #nano #writersroad

@HeatherMcCorkle I am thankful for all of my characters in my novels, plays, and short stories. #writersroad

@Fida_Islaih I like that! What about being a Muslim is she most thankful for? #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle that's a good question! I should get on that (: #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle that's a good question! I should get on that (: #WritersRoad

Good topic. I'd say Ondine is thankful for her family, even if they do make her insane. #WritersRoad

@Fida_Islaih The closeness she feels to Allah, the sisterhood with her fellow Muslims, or something else maybe. #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle My favorite characters are mainly my single parents because they overcome many obstacles. #writersroad

@EbonyMcKenna There's conflict in that, I like it! #WritersRoad

@23aspiringartis I love that! The things they're thankful for are often quite different. #WritersRoad Makes them unique.

My chars, I think are thankful for misunderstandings finally cleared. And smooches. Lots of smooches. #writersroad

@HeatherMcCorkle I am also thankful for the characters named after my loved ones because my loved ones inspired me. #writersroad

@HeatherMcCorkle I was just writing that! You're awesome, thanks! #writersroad

@teetate Gotta love those smooches! Let's get deeper though, what are they REALLY thankful for deep down? #WritersRoad

I am also thankful for my strong heroine characters because I admire strong women regardless of race. #writersroad

@HeatherMcCorkle That one is easy. One word: family...the ones we make, the ones we keep. #writersroad

Jenin Thanks: Reminder to stand up for herself. Understanding relationships and learning to still love while being detached. #WritersRoad

Treat your chars as though they are real. Real folks appreciate all the things that make them who they are. #writersroad

Honestly, I think Nathan (the MC) is just thankful to be alive. Given what he's been through it might be a miracle that he is. #writersroad

@HeatherMcCorkle I will not be a writer today if it was not for my mother being the woman she is. #writersroad

@Nightveil That's one of the deepest, most basic instinct things~and most powerful~that we can be thankful for. #WritersRoad

I'm thankful for fantasy & magic & kisses in the moonlight and all the folks who live in my head & thrive on the page. #writersroad

My MC, Torin, is thankful for women in every way, shape, and form. Yeah, he's like that. #WritersRoad

So what does that say about him? Attachment issues, trust issues, dark past, all of the aforementioned. #WritersRoad

Nathan *will* be thankful that he's found someone to love in the new world he's found himself in. He just doesn't know it yet. #writersroad

I am thankful for my LGBT characters because they overcome the hate. #writersroad

@23aspiringartis Powerful, I love that! #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle Probably a bit of each. Could be using that to keep himself from getting too close and getting hurt again(?) #WritersRoad

One of my new chars is thankful for first loves, for the past she overcame & for the promise of tomorrow. #writersroad

@HeatherMcCorkle I have always loved the LGBT communities ever since I was a child. I began writing about them at 14. #writersroad

This is a great topic; by examining what a MC is thankful for, we uncover their goals and motivations. #WritersRoad

@23aspiringartis Sounds like a powerful inspiration. Those are often what drives the best stories. #WritersRoad

@EbonyMcKenna I dunno. A well drawn baddie should probably have something to be thankful for, even if it is more base. #writersroad

My MC is thankful that he finally entrusted his life into the hands of another because through that he gained a true friend. #WritersRoad

Alvaranox is thankful for Kirra, and Nylah. Those two women are the enslaved dragon's only real friends. #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle I love Bear, Otter and the Kid, My Man my Boyz, and The Gift of Air. Very inspiring stories. #writersroad

@OfTheWilds Nice, that gets us down what is really important to him. #WritersRoad

Ellette (the other MC) is most thankful for her sisters who gave her the strength to make a choice that may affect an Empire. #writersroad

MC has lots to be thankful for, I think her top one is that I am writing her story & did very well today.Wish her luck it cont #writersroad

@HeatherMcCorkle As far as Alv's concerned, they're the only people in the whole city who see him as more than a guard dog. #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle Which is weird, since they're not really "family" in that sense. They're all vat-grown clones. They have... #writersroad

@HeatherMcCorkle ...a sort of clannish system but not hard ties like Humans tend to do. #writersroad

@HeatherMcCorkle Thank you! It's called The Black Collar. Alvaranox is the dragon MC, enslaved to a frontier town's protection. #WritersRoad

Knowing what your characters are thankful for can lead to a deeper understanding of them and enrichment of story. #WritersRoad

If you could thank your chars, what would you say? #writersroad

@teetate Good one! I'd say thank you for keeping me entertained, up late, and always thinking! #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle Thanks! Nylah and Kirra are his former, and current "Handlers." Also the only people he trusts, calls friends. #WritersRoad

I'm going to add this to my character profiles - what do they have to be thankful for. #WritersRoad

Alvaranox is especially thankful for Nylah. She showed him kindness, pieced him back together. His first handler broke him. #WritersRoad

@OfTheWilds Sounds like a deep attachement that will really come into play later on. #WritersRoad

For each of my characters, I will say they are thankful to be alive in a story to inspire readers. #writersroad


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