Tis the Season, Book Season!

I love this time of year, the snow, the spirit of the season, and finding the perfect gift for those I love. As an author of course I love to give books. But it isn't just because I'm an author. I've always felt like the right book can make the perfect gift. Something personal that the receiver loves, a topic, a genre, a certain author, a hobby even, all are great options that show you put a lot of thought into the gift rather than just grabbed one of those last minute deals. Even if your recipient doesn't read much, there's still a book for them.

I have someone on my list who hates to read, but he loves to do wood working and is always looking for new projects. So I try to get him books with new woodworking projects. Even your gamers who never pick up a book will love a book of codes, maps, and secrets about the games they love. So this year check out your local bookstore, or your favorite online book retailer, you might be surprised at what you find and how much your recipient enjoys it!

As a extra special treat I like to order books from great authors who sign and ship directly. Here is a list of fabulous authors who do that (all of which I would highly recommend):

G.P. Ching: paranormal 
Ali Cross: Paranormal
SR Johannes: Young Adult Suspense
Leigh T. Moore: Contemporary, historical
RaShelle Workman: Paranormal
Karlene Petitt: Thriller

As for my books, I do have a few on hand that I'm happy to sign and ship to you or your recipient. Click on my name for the link, Heather McCorkle, then fill out the form and put which book you'd like in the message and I will send you a link for the Paypal page to purchase it. Paperbacks only available at this time of: The Secret of Spruce Knoll, Channeler's Choice, To Ride a Puca, The Dragon Empire.

For holiday delivery I recommend ordering before the week of the holiday, especially if you're outside of the U.S.!


  1. I agree that books make the perfect gifts. And they are lasting gifts, too. They don't wear out. You can enjoy them again and again. Have fun shopping for everyone on your list. You just reminded me that I have to hustle along with mine. :-)

    1. Great point about enjoying them again and again! Best of luck with your shopping too. :)


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