Twitter Tuesday~Saundra Mitchell

I met Saundra on Twitter through a mutual friend, author Aprilynne Pike. Saundra was one of the Deb's, a group of fantastic young adult authors who debuted in 2009. Saundra and I frequent many of the same chats on Twitter, #YAlitchat and #scribechat. She is incredibly generous in sharing her experience and advice to help others and she isn't shy about answering a question honestly.

Aside from being generally an all around sweet gal, she's a fantastic writer as well. Her debut novel, Shadowed Summer is a fantastic read that will keep you on the edge of your seat rapidly flipping pages. She leaves you wanting more but in a very good way. Not one to disappoint, she has another book coming out soon called The Vespertine. I'll definitely be on the lookout for it! Saundra wields more than one type of pen, she's also a very accomplished screenwriter.

You can find Saundra on Twitter here:
Check out her website to learn more about her and her work here:
And find her book Shadowed Summer here:


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