Monday's Muse~Strange Worlds

This captivating picture is by writer and illistrator James Gurney from his world of Dinotopia. Talk about transporting you to another world! This picture helped keep me focused on the latest chapter of Grendar's Tale. This was a tough week of writing for me because I was also working hard on finishing the edit of my third YA urban fantasy which I'm taking to the writer's workshop next week. I didn't get as much new work created as I wanted to but I did accomplish about 1500 new words. The progress meter is moving and that's what counts!

I also finished reading Beautiful Creatures and absolutely loved it. What a refreshing read, so different from anything I've read lately, and in a very good way! Look for a review of it the last Monday of the month! As for music or shows, no time for that this last week.

Check out more of James Gurney's fantastic art at:


  1. Saved this pic for my own inspiration files, very enchanting!

  2. It is isn't it? One look at it and I feel like I'm flying, or about to fall!


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