First Day Of The Writer's Workshop

My friends and I arrived in Tulsa on three different flights all around the same time and found our way to each other. Things seemed to be off to a great start. We found our accomodations fairly easily, a charming old mansion called the Kennedy Mansion B&B. After a few phone calls home and an all girls Valentine's party, we succumbed to jet lag and crashed for the night. Monday, weirdness ensued.

There seemed to be a black cloud hovering over my head. Everyone was able to connect to WiFi but me. My computer adamantly refused. Need I mention, I'm addicted to the internet?! Then my files wouldn't open. I forgot to print out and bring my homework. I forgot a folder, a red pen, and a few essentials I shall not name. This is not like me. I'm chronically over prepared for this kind of thing. Regardless, I was going to make the most out of our first day.

Extenuating circumstances kept our instructor away on Monday and unfortunately, ultimately resulted in the cancelation of the official workshop. My friends and I returned to the B&B determined to do our homework, discuss it amongst ourselves and make progress in leaps and bounds. Guess what, we did. The four of us sat around eating chocolate and reading our plot point 1 homework aloud to each other. Everyone gave great feedback, analyzed the good and bad parts, and decided on what they were going to change.

The first day may not have turned out like we expected it to but it turned into exactly what we needed. My three friends and I couldn't be happier with the progress we made and the night helped solidify our critique group in a way nothing else could have. Every writer should be so lucky as to have a fabulous critique group like mine. You ladies are the best!


  1. Awww! This is so awesome! Times like that are so rejuvenating.

  2. Sounds so wonderful! I'm glad you're getting a lot out of it! I'm going to the Big Sur Writing Workshop in a couple of weeks. Hope to get lots of new words down. :)

  3. This sounds like heaven! Chocolate and sharing your work with writer friends--some of my favorite activities!

    Excited to hear about the rest of your writing adventure ...

  4. You're so right Myra, this is exactly what both myself and my novel needed!

    Lia good for you! I hope you have a great time and get as much out of your workshop as I am out of mine.

    It is heaven Portia! I'm having such a great time and its really transforming my writing. Before I came I felt like this manuscript was a bit anorexic and now its starting to feel healthy and fantastic!


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