Twitter Tuesday~Mercedes Yardley

I think I finally met someone who writes more than I do, well okay, maybe just as much. Mercedes Yardley and I met on a Twitter chat. She's funny, supportive to other writers, and has great taste in stories. Mercedes is a wife, mother, and an avid writer. Not only has she written a few novels, but she also writes poetry, short stories, essays, and nonfiction for Shock Totem: Curious Tales of the Macabre and Twisted. As if that wasn't dedicated enough, she's also a member of SFWA or the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America. Mercedes is currently shopping her latest novel around.

Connect with Mercedes on her blog here: which is full of her distinictive and well crafted writing.

And you can find her on Twitter here:
As a Twitter follow Mercedes is one of those people who connects with her followers and is supportive of writers and those who love reading.


  1. Thank you Heather...and Hi Mercedes, I'm with you both!
    Today I met someone on twitter who told me his wife is a budding author. I am going to send her to both of you. One of the greatest gifts in life is teaching, and being supportive. Thank you for sharing your gifts with everyone!

  2. I love Mercedes! Great little feature. Thanks, Heather.


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