Twitter Tuesday~Kristy Baxter

Kristy Baxter is a writer who loves writing (of course),the outdoors, music, oh yeah, and frog wrangling. Yep, you read that right, though you'll have to ask her about that one yourself! I've seen pictures and they're awesome. You'll definitely have to ask her about it! Like myself (and many other writers, maybe it's a writer thing) Kristy has a cat, though hers has a much more unique name than mine, Shakespeare, how awesome is that?!

Kristy's intriguing sounding young adult novel, currenlty titled Grim Light, is represented by Marlene Stringer of The Stringer Literary Agency.

As the frog wrangling probably cued you in, Kristy is a lot of fun. Follow her on Twitter and you'll see what I mean:
Check out Kristy's website here to learn more about her and follow her journey to publication:


  1. Thanks so much for the feature, Heather! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go wrangle some frogs! (Not really, but I like to give the people what they want =)

  2. A frog wrangling sister! My mother-in-law has a small pond in her backyard, and when the frogs have little ones we have a fun (and funny!) time scooping them out of the pond and into buckets :-)

  3. That sounds like a blast Portia! I love frogs, and pretty much any reptile! Sounds like you and Kristy would get along great.


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