Monday's Muse~Publishing Houses

Since I was at the NYC Pitch conference most of this last week my muse was the publishing houses themselves. I couldn't possibly fit them all on here so I picked three. Despite being nearly one minded in my pursuit of pitching and selling to an editor, I actually managed to get a bit of writing done on the plane rides over! Ten new hand written pages of The First Dragonwatcher await entry into my computer.

I won't keep you waiting breathlessly, the conference was an interesting experience. I met a lot of really fantastic people that I know I'll stay connected with. I hope to see their books on the shelves some day very soon, along with my own of course! This was my first trip to New York and I learned a lot merely by visiting the city. Knowing how New York works and how it's culture is will really help me on this journey. I expected it to be very business-like and abrasive. In a way it was, but underneath it you can tell the people have good hearts, they're just practical.

All right, to my news. Tom Colgan of Penguin asked to see Grendar's Tale! I'm so excited and nervous I can hardly sit still. Several of my new friends from the conference also had requests for their manuscripts to be sent to editors so I'm celebrating their good fortune as well! Congratulations to all of you. Now, get over to Twitter and set up an account so we can chat and keep in touch.

Best of luck to any and all of you who are attending conferences this year. I hope you are just as successful!


  1. Sounds like it would be a blast. I've always wanted to go to New York and I bet attending a conference there was helpful. Keep us posted on your novel.

  2. Fantastic news, Heather! Keep us posted!

  3. It was a lot of fun Koreen. I did learn a lot at the conference. I'm really glad I went!

    Thanks to both of you Koreen and Lorelei, I'll definitely keep you posted!

  4. You can write on a plane? I'm really impressed! I can barely read because of moderate motion sickness!


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