Weekend Wolfy Fun

You may have noticed that I'm very late on featured a debut author this month. Don't release the hounds yet, I have a good excuse, one I think you're going to like.

Normally I don't blog on the weekend because I like to give my readers a chance to catch up on the posts I've written througout the week. Tomorrow is special though. Heather's Odyssey has the honor of hosting part of author Shannon Delany's Start Your Day With Serial tour! What on Earth does that mean? Since you asked, it's Shannon's brilliant idea of visiting several different blogs throughout June~her debut month~and leaving behind not only information about herself and her novel, but a snippet of her novel! If you follow the trail of blogs you'll get to read more than a little of 13 To Life! And of course, Shannon is June's featured debut author!

You can get up to date on all the excerpts and snippets she's left all over the blogosphere here: http://13-to-life-a-werewolf-tale.blogspot.com/2010/05/start-your-day-with-serial-links-to.html

Then be sure to stop by tomorrow to read all about Shannon, her debut novel 13 To Life, and pick up the bit in the bread crumb trail she leaves here...


  1. I'll try to remember to visit. Like you, I don't blog on the weekends. And this weekend's going to be crazy since I now have a 3-5 page synposis to write. Mine's only 2. Groan.

    Have a great weekend, Heather. :D

  2. Good luck on the synopsis Stina! Wow, 3-5 pages! Thankfully I've never had to write one over two pages. Sounds like they want a lot of detail. That could be a good thing!

  3. Interesting idea--it would be fun to leave snippets everywhere.
    Have an awesome weekend, Heather!

  4. I've heard about the Start Your Day With Serial thing! I'll have to check out all the posts and I'll definitely be back tomorrow to read it. Awesomeness!!

  5. Awesome!! I've watched Shannon on twitter since the beginning of her journey with 13 to Life. I will definitely stop by. ;)

  6. I know huh Kari? I love this idea and am totally copying it when my book finally sells!

    Thanks Olleymae! Its a lot of fun gathering all the pieces and you'll love her writing!

    Thanks Amanda. Yep, aside from being an excellent writer, Shannon is a great lady!


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