Twitter Tuesday~Conferences, Publishing, Contest & Revision

Last week I didn't make it onto Twitter much because I was either preparing for the conference or on my way to it. But I did catch a few tweets you won't want to miss. Like this one from agent Jennifer Laughran:
@literaticat Conference Tips pt. 2: How do I Pitch My Book? Do I even NEED to go to a conference? PLUS CHEWBACCA.

I love agent Natalie Fischer's outlook on the changing face of publishing. You have to read this:
@Natalie_Fischer Publishing isn't dead. Or dying. Just changing. -->

This is a priceless gathering of the best of the Writer's Digest conference that occured recently, curtesy of the fabulous Jane Friedman:
@JaneFriedman I've culled the best publishing advice & session recaps from the Writer's Digest Conference:  #wdc11

Editor Megan Records gives us an important reminder about editing:
@meganrecords Revising for an ed or agent? READ THIS FIRST:

Author Beth Revis (Across The Universe) gives us a heads up on a contest that is not to be missed:
@bethrevis This is a contest any aspiring writer should look into--a chance for an agent referral!

At the San Diego conference I met a lot of great new people to follow and I'm excited about how much they're going to enrich these Twitter Tuesday posts even more. Good things are on the way!


  1. Great tweets and links. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Thank you Heather for more incredible information. Do you realize that you're my executive assistant? I feel like I not only have my own muse, but anytime I want to learn something, find someone, or become inspired, I come to your blog. Checking out the contest right now.
    Thank you!!!

  3. Great round-up! I visited several before posting my comment. LOL. :-)

  4. Tessa, you're welcome! Thanks for visiting.

    Karlene, LOL! That's excellent. I'm so glad I can help so much!

  5. V., you're welcome! I hope they're helpful.

    Shannon, excellent! I'm glad you liked them. :)

  6. Great links as always, Heather. Love the Janet Reid take on e-queries and pitches, and Megan Records' post, and all the others! Thanks.

  7. Thanks for the links, Heather. I'm sure you must have had a wonderful time at the San Diego conference. I've signed up for the Pike's Peak one at the end of April. Can't wait! :)

  8. Glad you had fun at the conference! Thanks as always for the tweets.

  9. Linda, I loved Janet's take on that too!

    Donea, you're welcome! It was really wonderful. Best of luck in April at Pike's Peak!

  10. Great information...

    Thanks for sharing,


  11. These all sound great! I'll check them out. Thanks for sharing. :)

  12. Congrats on the great conference requests! And thanks for that tweet on pitching, I really need it. :)

  13. Thanks Elana! I'm super psyched! You're welcome for the tweet, I'm glad it helped. :)

  14. Thanks for sharing this with us! :D And I'll be looking forward to the next Twitter Tuesdays! (I mean, after your super conference and all!)

  15. Great links! Thank you for sharing! :)

  16. Monica, you're welcome! Super indeed. ;)

    Amie, thank you!

    WritingNut, you're welcome. Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Thanks for all these fabulous links! I missed the one on the WD conference in my own link compilation and so I must now head on over there and read up, thanks again Heather!!


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