Monday's Muse~Love Complications

As you might have guessed from the picture, things are heating up for my main character, in both good and bad ways. Happy as this moment seems, a bit of a triangle looms, complicating things. This is the point in the story where her character really starts to arc. Things are happening that will change her forever and she is going to have to make a few really tough decisions. This is probably one of my favorite parts of the novel writing process, when the character starts to reach deeper depths and starts to change or grow.

Across The Universe is still the read that's feeding my muse. I'm about halfway through it and so far I would recommend it. It's on the edgier side of young adult so it may not be for everyone but it's definitely for me! I'm hoping to finish it later this week when I fly to San Francisco for the writer's conference there.

The music that kept my muse sated was Maired Nesbit's The Setting Sun. If you like celtic music you'll enjoy her a lot. By the way, Happy Valentine's Day everyone! It was a total coincidence that I was working on this chapter last week, but a happy one! So tell me, do you enjoy working on your character's arc as you close in on the end of your novel or do you find it to be a chore? What inspired you this week?


  1. I can't wait to read Across the Universe - it's next on my list, but I have a few things to get through first.

  2. I'm going to read Across the Universe. You know that I love edgy.

    Character arcs are important, and necessary to do well. We must bring the reader into the heart of the character so they believe why they are changing, there is a passion to change and how to do that subtly. More the readers can feel it, verses think it. An art that you do so well.

    What inspired me this week?
    Starting my new novel. Having readers say,"I like it" to the first chapter. This is a new direction for me, so it's a challenge. But encouragement from you really helped me move forward full speed. Thank you!

  3. The character's arc is amazing. It feels like not only how our character grows and changes, but us, too! Love that photo.

  4. Happy Valentine's day to you too, and congrats on your win in the contest! Yay! I knew your sentence rocked. :)

  5. So you use music in your writing, too. Movie soundtracks help me with action scenes. I like Roger Zelazny, Robert E. Howard, and Raymond Chandler to feed my own muse. Have a great new week. Come check out Victor Standish's first kiss on my blog to see if I did a credible job or I need some more muse-growing. LOL. Roland

  6. Hope you have an awesome time at that writer's conference. Any time a character grows and gains depth, I'm a happy camper.

  7. Lisa, I think you'll really enjoy it!

    Karlene, thank you! :) I think you'll enjoy Across The Universe too. And you're knew novel is going to be excellent. I know because it's off to a brilliant start!

    Linda, exactly! That's part of why I enjoy character arcs so much, I grow with them!

  8. Morgan, thank you so much! That's so sweet of you!

    Roland, I love movie soundtracks too! I'll definitely stop by and check out your post today! I look forward to it. :)

    Roxy, thank you! I hope I do too!

  9. I didn't think AtU was edgy, but I did like it.

    Awww, I love love complications. :)

    Have fun in SF...I know you'll dazzle them.


  10. I hope you have a great time at the conference!

    I enjoy watching a character grow throughout the story--sometimes an arc is hard to write, but most of the time I love sending the story closer toward the end.

  11. Lola, it is a great book but the human mating season descriptions and the almost-rape scene will make it edgy for some younger teens. That said, it's still a good book that I would definitely recommend. Thanks for the well wishes for SF!

  12. Golden Eagle, thank you! I'm getting excited about it. I agree, getting closer to the end of a story is exciting!

  13. Happy Valentine's Day! Erica has promised to send me Across the Universe now that she's finished it. I'm reading Mockingjay right now and the trilogy is really helping me work through my revisions. Christy

  14. I love reaching that part of a novel myself. Glad to hear all is going so well for you!

  15. Christy, I still need to pick up Catching Fire! I loved The Hunger Games! You'll enjoy Across The Universe. It is REALLY good!

    Lindsey, thank you! It is an awesome feeling being so close to the end!


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