Twitter Tuesday~Contests & Advice

This week's tweets were full of great contests and advice for writers. Spring seems to be contest season, yet another great reason to be happy it's here! But first Writer's Digest brings us an interview with agent Doug Grad:
@WritersDigest Interview with lit agent Doug Grad, who seeks nonfiction, fiction, memoir and YA:

If you've ever wondered about the power of Twitter and what it can do for writers then you have to read this link from Writer's Digest:
@WritersDigest How Writers Can Use Twitter for Networking and Success, column by @alexisgrant

Magazine credits under your belt can look great on a query letter. Writer's Digest gives us tips on how to break into their magazine:
@WritersDigest 5 Ways to Break Into Writer's Digest Magazine

Agent Vickie Motter tweeted this great link from one of her clients about improving query letters:
@Vickie_Motter Writing. For Real.: The Evolution of a Query Letter

Agent Vickie Motter tweeted another excellent link about querying tips and a contest you don't want to miss:
@Vickie_Motter Four Querying Tips and a Contest Announcement!

A Twitter friend of mine tweeted this link to another fantastic contest:
@katzni Win a query or first chapter critique from the FIVE girls at Oasis for YA!

And yet another chance to win a query critique, this one tweeted by one of my favorite book reviewers:
@YAFantasyGuide March #Contest: Hey Writers - Win a #Query #Letter Critique from @trydzinski of the Laura Dial Literary Agency!

Quick, start clicking and get in on those contests! Best of luck to all of you!


  1. Thank you Heather. I love Twitter Tuesday too!!!!

  2. Hi, Heather,

    These are some amazing tweets... Thanks for sharing.

    Also, thanks for the good vibes for ABNA, I really appreciate it... no news yet.


  3. Shannon, thank you!

    Karlene, thank you, and you're welcome!

    Michael, you're welcome. I'm so sorry there isn't any news yet about ABNA, how nerve wracking!

  4. I just love your Twitter Tuesdays. Thanks so much, Heather!

  5. I always look forward to Twitter Tuesday. I don't get around in those parts much. Thanks for always being supportive and caring to all in the writing community. It means a lot. Roland

  6. Clearly, I'm not paying enough attention to TWITTER! You found some great tweeted links, Heather!

  7. Julie, thank you! I'm glad they're helpful.

    Talli, thanks!

    Roland, aw, you're welcome. And thank you!

    Carol, don't worry, I've got you covered. ;)

  8. Thanks for the Twitter Tuesday! As always, I think it's a great idea of yours :D

  9. Thanks for the awesome links, Heather. :D

  10. I love this feature!! Thanks for all the work and sharing it with us.
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog


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