WriteOnCon 2011

If you don't know what WriteOnCon is then you are in for a treat. It is only the most awesome phenomenon to sweep the literary online world ever. Okay maybe not ever, but it's close I have no doubt. Last year a group of amazing ladies (some with book deals, some with agents, others with just a lot of heart) got together to put on the first massive free online conference for young adult and middle grade writers. It was beyond awesome.

Top agents and editors attended and contributed in vlogs, live chats, and blog posts. There were giveaways and contests every day, often several different prizes throughout the day. The prizes included books, query critiques, and manuscript critiques. At least one person that I know of ended up with an agent as a result of WriteOnCon 2010. See, awesome!

It was such a huge success that they're doing it again this year. And guess what? It's already started! Monday marked the beginning of the fabulous prizes. Hurry over to the site. There is still plenty of time to enter. And don't forget to mark your calendars for the official WriteOnCon conference this August! See the website for details and to keep up on future contests.


  1. Woot! What I loved about this conference is that even if you couldn't "participate" live, you could still read all the happenings at a time convenient for you. This is what I did after I got off work from the day job. It's so great that they are doing it again this year.

  2. Heather, Thank you so much for sharing this site! I just signed up. Looks like fun. I'm having a great time with my YA book, Body Finder.

  3. Karen, I know I'm so excited! And I loved that feature too, where we could go back and read later and still participate. You just can't get that out of a live conference!

    Karlene, you're welcome! The Body Finder is excellent! I'm glad you're enjoying it.

  4. I loved participating in Writeoncon last year! It's a valuable resource for writers, and I'm so thankful to the wonderful ladies who are working hard to bring it all together.

  5. Wow, I am so jealous! I wish the equivalent online conference was available for Suspense! Very cool, thanks for sharing.

  6. Melissa, me too! It was so much fun. I learned a lot and there were many great opportunities. Hope to see you there this year!

    Linda, I wish there was too! Hopefully some of the other genre peeps will pick up on this amazing idea.

  7. I was only able to catch a little bit of it last year, but what I caught was really great. I'm sure it'll be the same--if not better--this year! So many great prizes, no?

  8. I'm so excited about WriteOnCon. I loved it last year. :D

  9. Carol, so many great prizes indeed! Wow, I was blown away by the ones they are giving away this month.

    Stina, me too! I can hardly wait!

  10. WriteOnCon was awesome last year...

    This giveaway is amazing...I already entered a few days ago...

  11. Fantastic! I remember what a great success this was last year.

  12. I LOVED writeoncon last year. Can't wait for this year- I know so many more people too!

  13. I had a hard time participating as much as I wanted to last year, but I hope to do better this time around!! I love those ladies that put it together.

  14. Michael,it was! I'm so glad you entered! Best of luck.

    Talli, me too! Can't wait!

  15. Abbey, I look forward to seeing you on the chats and forums!

    Lisa, me too, on both counts! The ladies are pretty awesome aren't they?!

  16. Thanks for the info. I will encourage my writing partner to join in this year. WriteONcon!


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