Road To Publishing Step 2: Editorial Review

Once my novel passed the content review at Abbott it was time to move into editorial review. This is something Abbott does with all novels to evaluate whether or not they need editing of any kind. While it may seem a bit intimidating to some, this is a feature about Abbott that I love. To me it speaks volumes about the quality of novel they want to publish, and how successful they want the author to be. It took a little less than two weeks for my novel to get through editorial review, and I'm thrilled to say it made it with flying colors and even praise. By the time I go on vacation next month on the 9th of July my novel should be moving into the design stage! Again with the nausea, but good nausea. :)

When your novel is through editorial review they send it back to you with notes on anything they feel could use improvement. They also give you a sample edit of about three pages and let you know what level of editing they feel your work could use, if any. If you like their editing then you can go with them but they also welcome you to either make the changes yourself, use your own editor, or move on with the novel as it is if you so prefer. However, if they recommend that your novel needs editing and you don't do it then you not only hurt your novel's chances of success, but you also hurt your chances of obtaining the mark of quality. 

At this point you'll need to decide whether or not you're going to have editing done, if it is recommended. If you have the editing done by Abbott the time frame will depend on the level of editing they recommend. It could take as few as two weeks to complete and get back to you, or it could take twice as long. Don't forget to add to that timeframe the amount of time it will take you to make the recommended changes and polishing. Next up is the design stage and marketing which I'll be sharing in a few weeks. To learn more about freelance editors, and for a few great recommendations on some, click here


  1. Awesome! yes, editing very important, they sound on top of it =)

  2. So far I'm impressed with your experience with Abbot Press. Thanks for being so detailed in sharing with us!

  3. It is so valuable to have this step-by-step reporting of how Abbott operates. Your experience has us all reading with bated breath!

  4. This is so interesting. Thank you for the peek inside the process. Congrats on the stars/happy faces/thumbs up when your book went through the edit filter.

  5. Oh do I remember this, I blogged about my editorial review (evaluation) with iUniverse. And I could not agree more, having the right edit is very important. I wish there was a stamp or sticker on books that received a proper edit and a proof read (if not two). I loved the person who edited mine, but they would not let me know they were, I understand why. All I was told was that they were hired from a 'big New York Publisher'. With Abbot, do they let you know who you're working with? My one BIG issue with my pub is the price for e-books which I'm going to be blogging about soon.
    Thank you for letting us know how you journey is going. I love it!!!

  6. Trisha, so true! They really are, so much so that I'm very pleasantly surprised.

    Elle, you're welcome! I'm impressed too I have to admit.

    Linda, thank you! I'm glad it's helping others.

  7. Leslie, thank you! And you're welcome! I'm glad so many are finding it helpful. :)

    Sarah, they do, they're very open throughout the whole process. And the beautiful part about it is that with Abbott there is a mark, the Writer's Digest mark of quality. It is given to books that Writer's Digest feels are exceptional in all ways.

  8. Heather, it looks like a lot is covered with them. I think you couldn't do much better elsewhere. ~Lorelei

  9. Thanks for sharing about the process. That's great you didn't have too much editing.

  10. Thanks for sharing the process,
    I also share your nervous nausea too - editing is a daunting process, but I honestly believe that keeping an open mind and being willing to work for the betterment of the book (not my ego) makes the end product the best it can be.

    And that enormously long sentence is proof of the importance of editing,

  11. Lorelei, it certainly seems that way so far!

    Natalie, you're welcome. And of but I did! Most of the editing came before I made the decision to go with them.

    Ebony, lol! Very true, editing is so worth it! And I'm odd, I love doing it. :)

  12. This is SO exciting! Thanks for sharing the process with us ( :

  13. Heather I am so thrilled that Abbott passed you through! It shows how professional a writer you are and determined you are to have a quality story for your readers.

    This whole process is so exciting... Just remember to BREATHE.... IT'S all good.

  14. Julie, you're very welcome!

    Michael, thank you! And yes, remembering to breathe does get tough. ;)

  15. I'm really enjoying going through this process with you, Heather. Thanks for sharing - I can't wait to read your novel!

  16. It sounds like it's an exciting and slightly overwhelming process. I'm glad you're breaking it down for us. It's really interesting to get an inside glimpse.

  17. Talli, you're welcome! I'm glad you're following alongside me as I go through it! And thank you so much for your anticipation of my novel. That means the world to me. :)

    Lisa, it is definitely both! I know there are a lot of writers on the fence between traditional and self-publishing right now and I just wanted to give them a good picture to help them make an informed decision.

  18. I'm glad you're sharing this process and that you're enjoying each step along the way! christy

  19. Thank you for continuing on with the process of Abbott publishing. I am so glad they are scrutinizing the work and helping the authors to achieve success. That will speak volumes for readers to know they can buy a book published by Abbott with the quality seal and it will be good. This is great info. Thanks Heather!

  20. Glad to hear your novel did well in the editorial review! :)

    Thanks for another post on the publishing process--it's great to be able to read about it like this.

  21. Christy, thank you! It is helping me to share it, and hopefully it's helping others. :)

    Karlene, you're welcome! I really think it will speak volumes! Now let's just hope I can get the WD mark...

    Golden Eagle, thank you! And you're very welcome!

  22. This is helpful to know. I think that editing is a part of publishing and with outside eyes it makes the book that much better. I agree with the making something worth getting and making it hard to get so that it doesn't lose it's value. I think about things in life today that are being made easy to get and so they have lost their value.

  23. Wow, I love how Abbott goes through this editing process -- shows how much they want the best product possible for both writer and publisher.

    Good luck! :)

  24. Josh, I know exactly what you mean! Knowing the high criteria 2# and Abbott have set for the mark makes it all the more special.

    Karen, me too! I love that about them!

  25. Thank you so much for sharing, Heather. It is absolutely fascinating to hear about this process from the the inside. And congrats on a successful editorial review. Talk about exciting!

  26. You're welcome VR! And thank you for the congrats! I'm super excited that my review was so good.

  27. Thanks Heather, for sharing your experience with Abbott Press.

    I made the commitment this morning to publish with AP. (Vagilantes - A novel about five women who come together in response to pedophiles in their community, only to learn they are not alone in acting outside the law.)

    So now, you and I are both riding the same train.Expect there's lots to see and learn along the way. Looking forward to the day your book arrives at the publication station!

  28. Julie, this is fantastic news! Welcome to the party my AP sister!


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