Ondine: The Autumn Palace Giveaway Winners

Thank you so much to everyone who supported the fabulous author Ebony McKenna and entered the contest to win her second novel, Ondine: The Autumn Palace. I was humbled and deeply touched to have so many of you go above and beyond for my friend. Ebony was so touched that she decided to throw in two copies so now there will be three winners! Welcome new followers, I'm very excited to have you with me. I hope you'll stick around even if you didn't win. I do quite a few giveaways and I'm planning a massive one for the release of my novel this August. Now to the winners...

Michelle Fayard (declined)

Congratulations everyone! Have fun reading Ondine. I've contacted Marjie and Michelle but Dark Angel, I'll need you to leave me a comment with a way to contact you. Don't worry, to save you from spammers I won't publish the comment! The copies will all be paperback due to a block on foreign ebooks. Sorry ereaders! Update: Michelle has purchased both of Ebony's books and would like to pass so that another winner will have the chance to read her novels! That's so kind of you Michelle, thank you. That means Cassandra is now our new third winner!


  1. Heather, you go above and beyond for everyone, it's the least we could do. Thank you for your continued support!

  2. Ah, another time. Like I said on your other blog, I guess I'll have to buy it~

  3. Karlene, supporting others is my passion. :)

    Lydia, I'm so sorry you didn't win!

  4. Many congratulations to the winners!

  5. Congrats to the winners and to you Heather, for the new followers!

  6. Hooray winners! (Glad it's in my TBR pile:)

  7. Erica, thank you! It's always fun to find new friends.

  8. Here's a "whew hew" for the winners. The Ondine books are definitely on my TBR list.

  9. Congratulations to the winners. Thank you everyone for adding to the excitement of the competition, and thank you Heather for devoting so much time and blog space for the comp.

    I'm sorry I wasn't able to send ebooks in the end, but I hope the paperbacks prove just as much fun.

  10. Thank You!
    Congrats to the other winners. :)


  11. Congrats to the winners. It looks like an awesome book.

  12. Thanks for the paperback of Ondine.
    Thanks Michelle, that's really kind.


  13. Yay!!! You are awesome for doing this! And Ebony is AMAZING, everyone should read her work. :D

  14. Awesome! Congrats to the winners, and I'm glad there has been so much support. I love this community!


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